Friday, October 26, 2012

Just Reminiscing

Yikes! I told you yesterday that I'd return later, but well, Tom and I enjoyed his last day off too much, I guess. We traveled to a nearby park where I'd seen on the local news that a new veteran's memorial had been built. And well, yes it had, but the visitors on the news had been special--relatives of deceased veterans--and the monument was opened only temporarily last weekend for them, as it is still unfinished. 

Tom and I being non-special like that, could view the lovely memorial walls only from a distance and from behind chain-link (disappointed in not being able to see and touch all those names, ones even from the Civil War) and then drove through the park for the first time in our decades in WNY and came away impressed by all the beauty.

Then today we drove to three--count them, three--estate sales, one of them inside a dreamy old house which I was loathe to leave, especially after discovering the original basement rumpus room complete with a black-and-white tiled floor, 1970's orange sofas, the mandatory soda-fountain bar and a wall of retro books mostly for teenagers. Good gracious. I bought two teen books then had to yank myself out of that place, out of 1960, and return to 2012. Tough, honestly, even with loving my current life as I do.

But after wandering through two more houses and a yard sale, Tom and I returned to Real Life and I mowed the lawn and raked a million leaves. Tom will go back to work tonight, more night-shifts, for such is Life, but we did enjoy watching movies together again during his restful four days off, two of them incredibly gorgeous, Autumn at its glorious best. Oh, how quickly it sails past--all of it.


I earned two more gift cards online, another from Swagbucks and my first one from SavingStar. Here's one of the books I ordered from today: Views From Thornhill.


The books I found at sales:


  1. That park with the veterans memorial is pretty and I'm thinking you will return when you can see the completed memorial. How good to visit the 1960s again, like having a time travel machine.

  2. Anonymous9:07 AM

    A lovely memory when Winter decends. Look forward to making more.



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