Saturday, September 08, 2012

Surprised by Books

Most of the books I've found here and there this summer.


I recently told you that city libraries no longer thrill my heart as they did for whole decades, beginning as a small girl. And okay, that probably sounds sad, especially to you who still adore libraries.

But something I find serendipitous and sweet? My own home library now makes my heart ooze with cozy, sweet thoughts. I prefer my own shelves of books and always, they wait for me. Here, here at home.

I've spent the majority of my life collecting good, morally decent books, ones which I read repeatedly and never tire of and the result has surprised me: My books so content me (along with those 300+ upon my kindle cloud reader) that if I never, ever step through the doors of another city library, well, I'll be just fine.


And speaking of surprises .... I used to keep all my unread books upon a certain shelf so I'd know exactly where to find something new. But now? Now I prefer to mix all my books together, the much-read and the not-yet read, alphabetical by author, because during our long, cold winters, especially, it becomes a delight to browse my shelves like this:

"Hmm, no... don't feel like rereading that one."
"Oh! Here's a good winter book."
"Yay! I thought I'd given this other one away."
"Oh, I remember when I first read that book at 14."
"Wait! Here's a book I've never read before. What's this one about?"
"Aha! There's another one beside it which is new. I don't even recall buying that one."

Could anything be more fun during a blizzard than that sort of book search? That city library feeling which didn't require piling on clothes and hats and boots and then being pelted by icy flakes, shoveling snow then  driving inside a cold car down slippery streets and walking up snowy steps  into a stuffy room which becomes too hot right away because of all ones winter clothes? And then having to make the trip back home and peeling off that coat and hat and boots and --

Well, at this stage of my life, I will choose my home library, the one I imagined and planned at 16, but doubted I'd actually attain. Finally, after much focused searching through boxes at hundreds of yard sales (many in dark basements) and buying books online, I have the library that teenager of long ago dreamed about. Which goes to show, dreams can come true inch-by-inch, so never despise any day of small beginnings.

All dreams begin with a tiny seed... and God-given dreams, grow. Big.

See that sweet old mirror with the pink roses in the corner? I found that at a yard sale last month--it was covered with probably 30 years' worth of dust. Love that sort of thing.


Anyone else enjoy collecting vintage Scholastic Books? I found a nifty Ebay article about collecting them yesterday. Find the first part here. I was encouraged to find that I'm not the only adult who still collects those things!


Enjoy vintage kids' lit.? Here's a free kindle book for you: Dandelion Cottage.

And here's another free kindle book by the same author: The Cinder Pond.


  1. Do you know Book Mooch? You trade books; can look/request specific titles & if someone has it, they send it to you. I found 3 of my favorite "The Wednesday Witch" there.

  2. Ahhhhhhh, a post about books. Love it. I downloaded the two free ones. Thanks for posting the links.

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I love my book collection too. Trouble is hubby is not such an admirer. I have given away so many books when I find someone who needs/loves them. One thing I do miss about especially the big old libraries of my childhood. That is to be surrounded not just books but with people who enjoyed and loved them like I did. People you could talk to about books and get ideas from and just sit with and watch them read and enjoy. Being with like minded people. Most people I am around read the paper...if that. When I try to interest them in a story or new idea I read about they look at me as if I am bothering them. Oh well. To each his own. So coming to your site with your excitement over books and your commenters loving books to is an extra treat!! :-) Sarah

  4. Rosemary6:23 PM

    Love your library, Debra. I, too, am drawn to older books with nostalgic covers and drawings -- anything depicting happy families -- a theme sadly missing in books today.

  5. Cozy definitely describes that corner of your room. What a wonderful place to sit and read.
    Have you discovered any of the Miss Julia books?

  6. Kim--thanks for the mention of Book Mooch--I've been meaning to bookmark them. The only thing? I'm the absolute worst at mailing books. It's like torture to me and I have no Grace to do it. sigh. The few times I do, I must force myself. But anyway, I'll zip over to Book Mooch and find out more about it--thanks again!

    Dolores--I like book posts, too! :) Glad you were able to order those books and hope you enjoy them.

    Sarah--I think today more than ever we must create the life we want and usually that requires thinking outside of the box and finding new ways to get what we desire. So yes! Keep searching and you will find others who will like to discuss books with you--they are all over the Internet--I've found them in yahoo groups, for instance.

    Rosemary--sounds like we enjoy the same types of books! I'm so thankful for the Internet (and yard sales) because we can still use those to find those old-fashioned books we enjoy.

    Nancy--Oh! Haven't found the Miss Julia books yet. I'll go over to amazon and check them out. Thanks for the recommendation and the compliment on my library! (And yes, I love to lie there in front of that light and read.) :)

    Thanks, Everyone! ... Debra

  7. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Tis indeed nice to have a library at home. Due to our move, I have had to downsize drastically...but perhaps one day there will once again be more books on the shelf!! They are rather like old friends.
    Elizabeth in NC


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