Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering. Appreciating.

Another September 11th. Another of those days which, no matter how far in the past it retreats, never seems far away at all.

I will always remember, never forget and I'll let that day work within me what it should. One thing being-- to enjoy each day as a gift. For they are. Days are meant to be cherished and we're meant to learn something new on each one, something which will allow us to appreciate the next day even more and act more kindly, too.

At least, that's what I believe.


Many things help me enjoy this good Life which God's given me, yes, even in 2012, and one of those things?


And what type of book do I often step into when 2012 Life feels complicated, dark and ugly? Scholastic books. Books written for the young at heart, those with imaginations still pulsating strong.

And yes I'm mentioning those again because, well, I'd not ordered anything from Ebay in years (years!), but look what I won this morning:

Oh. My. Goodness. Thirty-one delicious Scholastic books for just $9.99 (well, not counting the $5-something for shipping). 

I feel so blessed. These are truly like 31 presents from God--you just don't know. Well, maybe you do. Yeah, you probably do realize how this feels. 

Thirty-one lovely places to go. And thirty-one groups of people to visit on any sort of day-- good, bad, ugly or in-between--and to keep my imagination young when it's tempted to fade with age. Thirty-one books to remind me of what's still right in this world.

God is good.




  1. Wow! What a great collection of books! Enjoy.

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I am so happy for you!!!!! Where do you begin your reading!!! ????? Did you get any you already had or are they all new titles? I wonder how many titles there actually are....
    I did turn on the tv some last night and saw there was several specials on 9/11 I had not seen before. I started to watch but couldn't. I can't go there now. We all know the horror of that day and it is nice to learn another amazing story of that day but I also want to celebrate another day here and now. I want to thank our Lord for the miracles he preformed that day and has before and since. I want to continue to try to lead the life he wants me to. Sarah

  3. Dolores--thank-you! I will. :)

    Sarah--I had four of the books while growing-up, but lost them and I do have By The Shores of Silver Lake. But the rest of the books I've never read before so I'm pretty excited for them to arrive. I'll probably just start reading the one which most fits my mood that day. :)

    Thanks, Ladies.... Debra

  4. Amen. I'm flying my flag today and praying for the families.

    Scholastic Books is still a part of my life since I'm a kindergarten teachers aide. : ) Wonderful little books.

  5. Bonnie--a flag is a great idea, too, and I'm glad Scholastics are still a part of your life! :) (Didn't know you are a kindergarten teacher's aide!)

    Blessings, Debra


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