Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just A Summery Wednesday

So here's the yellow house I mentioned to you earlier, the one on the way to my supermarket, the one whose yellow is just about right for Hobbit Cottage. See the cool green chair which inspired me in the shadows? Their front yard is all flowers and do be sure to notice that planter with the lips. Cute.


And guess who found another Scholastic book this morning at Salvation Army? (Just what I needed, right?)

I'm wondering how I missed this book--it's perfect! I'm enjoying it much and will probably finish it by this afternoon.


And lastly, this morning I began a brick border around our herb garden in the front yard and wow... what a difference already. I'm continually  amazed that it's nearly the middle of September yet I'm still gardening, still working (!) out there. And yes, part of the reason is that we have no large yard to mow like out at the farm. But really? Even during all those 14 years at our other suburb house, the one with the lawn just a tad bigger than a king-size bed--even there--my gardening would peter out by mid-August and I'd begin Autumn longing. And just sitting outside, reading.

This year? Here at Hobbit Cottage? For the first September, ever, I'm still dreaming, digging, planting and creating and I don't want Summer to end.

Curiouser and curiouser.


Heh. The DJ on my retro radio station just told another of his corny jokes: Why did the spider cross the computer keyboard?..... To get to his website.

All day long it's jokes like that. I love it.  :)



  1. Cute joke from the DJ. It sounds like a lovely day at your house, with a good book and garden work.

  2. Anonymous11:28 PM

    OHHHHHHHH, I LOVE that kind of is nearly a devonshire cream...we painted a BRIGHT yellow house we got once, with chocolate brown trim (cause we needed to sell it...and it worked!!) No one else could see past the horrid bright yellow paint (that never made sense to me...painting is not that hard). I can see your other ideas with that color, looking very inviting!! Happy fixing!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    opppss..not too clear, we painted over that bright yellow with devonshire cream that looked a lot like the house you show above...took at least 2 coats!

    I recognize that book you found longer remember the story...but I had that book. I LOVED being able to buy all those neat paperbacks in school.
    Elizabeth in NC

  4. That's a lovely book. I'm pretty sure I have a copy somewhere!


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