Saturday, August 04, 2012

So Grocery Prices Are Going Up. What's New?

So did you hear that--because of the drought and plain ol' bad times of this year--groceries will go up something like 5 percent next year?

As if they weren't high enough already.

Of course, the easy thing is to worry now, ahead of time. Panic. Dread buying next year's groceries and make ourselves sick.


... we can get prepared now. Learn how to shop like Coupon Queens and whip out those little coupons for huge savings no matter what current prices may be. We can learn to cook with few ingredients and discover from those-who-know how to shop sales and never pay full price, making any 5 percent increase non-applicable. And we can stock our pantries with non-perishables now at cheap prices.

Always we have choices. Play the Blame Game or the Worry Game or instead, respond positively to the challenge of living in faith that all will be well as long as we stay close to God. That He will make a way where there is no way.

Of course, the very, very best thing we can do is to draw closer to God now before the storms arrive. Hearing Him call to us to walk on water is much easier while the waters are calm, rather than in the midst of hurricane force winds and rains and thunder.

"Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near."
"Be still and know that I am God."
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Daily life in this world won't be getting nicer, better anytime soon, so now's a perfect time to seek to know God as our closest friend, one who sticks closer than a brother, one who has all the wisdom we need (even to buy groceries) to thrive during these rough days/years with our minds still intact and flooded with peace.

Yes, peace-filled, even if groceries do go up another 5 percent. 


"My voice you will hear in the morning, oh Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto You, and will look up."   ... Psalm 5:3


So far this year I've saved $992 at my magical supermarket just by buying items on sale (they keep track for me. Bless them.). 

With coupons I've saved at least $366.



  1. I just love your attitude, Debra!

  2. I do too ! Thanks for your sweet words and birthday wishes on facebook, but you are the one who encourages me! love ya!

  3. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Doing just that. Always have in fact, just a little more so now along with prayer and mediation.


  4. Anonymous9:13 PM

    In the many years I have been married I have seen {and you all have too} prices go up on meat, sugar, etc ,etc and etc..and shortages spoken about on about everything..including toilet paper! We are still here and eating. Yes I know times seem worse yada yada yada. No I am not making fun of these times. I wonder about them too but only can let myself worry so far then make myself snap out of it! :) :) You would think there was nothing new to learn about cooking etc after 43 years of being a homemaker...wrong!!! I may know how to make each dollar stretch but there is always something to learn about that or nutrition or whatever. It is fun too!! Yes we have a pantry and re watching to keep it stocked with basics we use and have a garden as usual and such. Planning for trouble should only take up so much of your time is happening while you are worrying and it will pass you by while you are just sitting like a lump worrying... :-) Sarah

  5. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I forgot to add yes thanks for the "Of course , the very best thing we can do is to draw closer to God now before the storms arrive." Yes ,while we have all our wits about us and can think with our heart and mind in unison is the time to draw even closer and know He is there and always will be. There is always some bumps in our life's roads...big bumps or little molehills ... they are sometimes hard to get over and keep looking up too. Walking hand and hand now extra tight is always a good idea. He is our best security blanket. Thank you Debra. Sarah

  6. Anonymous10:40 PM

    One of my friend's grandparents lost everything in the Great Depression. They never again had much, but one way they had more was they planted as large a garden as they could and tried to always keep 3 years worth of home canned things on hand. And when they shopped, they NEVER bought anything that was not on sale or marked down. They lived to be 86, so did ok. I try to think about that when I enter the grocery store (and it never hurts to pray for extra wisdom in that chore either).

  7. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Just wondering if there are certain items that you would recommend stocking up on - before the prices increase? A great post on preparation and peace :)

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Mizsuzee did not ask my opinion, but we heard that the sunflower crop, cotton crop and peanut crop did not do well this last we stocked up on sunflower seed butter and peanut butter because for some of the allergy folks in our family, those items are staples. And hubby and I bought enough underwear (all cotton) to last us maybe 2 years. I would HATE not to have our particular kind or not have enough money to buy it. Several bloggers are good to mention when they hear of crops not doing one knows then to stock up if that is something very needed.
    Elizabeth in NC


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