Friday, August 17, 2012

Self-Pity Kills Creativity

Sammy. Being himself.  ツ


In my kitchen this morning, this came to me:

Self-pity kills creativity.

Ain't that the truth! So today I would say:

Please don't feel sorry for yourself. Or even for others as they learn the lessons we must learn alone. Otherwise we become like butterfly killers, 'helping' release them from their cocoon, easing the struggle which would have strengthened them for Life.

Don't let yourself despair because the world is falling apart (Jesus warned us ages ago about all this). He's still in control! We need not panic.

Self-pity kills gratitude, also.

Instead, let gratitude overtake you. Create. Paint a wall. Write a lovely letter. Make a long gratitude list. Take a walk and really see any attempt at beauty.

Post something uplifting on Facebook. Give a compliment to someone downtown or to someone in your home. Love your family--treat them better, not worse, than everybody else.

Create the life you want, do what you can and release what (or who) you cannot change. Pray. Move on.

But please don't become just one more whining, miserable Christian who makes other people think God is a miserable whiner, too. The quota on those is overflowing.

Be different. Be joy-infused,a lover of God, and let that love spill all over.


Tom and I went and saw Bourne Legacy last week. Great movie! Began a bit slow, but sometimes it's just wonderful to sit still inside an air-conditioned, dark theater on a summer day and soak in a slow movie. Besides, the second half certainly sped up and Tom and I were disappointed when the end came.

Why? We wanted the movie to continue for at least another hour.


My buddy, Wilma, sent this recent article about Mt. Airy, NC to me yesterday and oh my! While reading it, I got a bit teary-eyed and thought, "I need more Mayberry in my life." 

So since today's another cool one and I can think more clearly now after all that summer heat, Mayberry here I come.  In my head, in my heart, in my home. 




  1. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I read your post and went to the link and got teary eyed by both. I remember my own Mt. Airy. I had a Mayberry like growing up too and then met the real world in my 20s. A very rude awakening!! I had no idea everyone didn't live like they did in my town. I need and want to keep that calm sweetness in our lives and strive to do so. Yes God is certainly on the throne still and always will be in control. That is the biggest calming thought we have. What we do with the life he gave us is up to us. We only have so many years and mine sure seems to be ticking away faster and faster as the years fly by. Now is the time to be yourself and do what you need to do. To be the person God intended you to be. He knows what he wants for and from us...ask Him. { I am preaching to myself here] This was another splendid post Debra. Sarah

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Oh I forgot to add how nice your home looks in the pictures from the last posts. !! Love it! So Mt Airy!! :) No, really it is beautiful. I found myself honestly saying Ahhhh as I looked at them!! Sarah

  3. Yes, let's be so joy-filled that when people know us they will be attracted to our fount of joy, Jesus.
    Also, your comment about Mayberry reminded me that this week I bought the full first season of the Andy Griffith show and we look forward to watching it. The 32 episodes were only $13, a wonderful bargain, for 4 DVDs.

  4. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I find the butterfly/cocoon idea interesting...we learned years ago not to help baby ducks out of their eggs...they seemed to not live too long, no matter what. Same idea...but if you think it is hard to watch your children learn...when it costs and hurts your grandchildren? You will need so much more grace to stand aside then. I do not understand HOW that could be...but I tell you it is. Heh, we were once again "used and abused" this weekend. Good Believers they are too. But no one ever said the cost of learning would be cheap. And our FATHER who loves us way more than we can love anyone, has a plan...which shall go forth, no matter whom tries to circumvent it. Soon we shall be on our next life journey however...soon...just have to finish getting packed and downsized! The "hornets" are stinging...gotta get moving faster!! I reminded hubby today, that NO MATTER WHAT, it is truly LOVE that has the final say!!

    Elizabeth in NC


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