Wednesday, May 02, 2012

"Just Wait Until ..."

So remember when Tom and I lived on the farm? Out there we had wild rabbits, birds singing in huge trees, garter snakes, flower gardens, daylilies, forget-me-nots, a pretty house, a compost pile, a patio, bird feeders, a garage, two cats and happiness.

But now that we've moved back to the suburbs what do we have? We have wild rabbits, birds singing in huge trees, garter snakes, flower gardens, daylilies, forget-me-nots, a pretty house, a compost pile, a patio, bird feeders, a garage, two cats and happiness...

... plus, a supermarket just blocks away which plays my favorite music, 1950's and 60's era stuff, and also, a huge river I can see from our front porch. And everything feels lovelier here at Hobbit Cottage. Like gain all-around.

All my life I've had people tell me (what amounts to) phrases like these:

"Just wait until you've been married awhile! Then you'll see how difficult it can be."
"Just wait until you have kids!"
"Just wait until Naomi becomes a teenager! She'll make you crazy."
"Just wait until you reach your 50's and your body falls apart!"
"Just wait until the family diseases catch up with you!"
"Just wait until you have your first panic attack!"
"Just wait until Naomi moves away! You'll miss her dreadfully."
"Just wait until you become a widow! You'll want to die, too."
"Just wait until you're elderly and have to move into a 'home'! You'll hate it."

Good grief.  Why must some people think and speak so negatively?

The funny thing? I think my relatives are still waiting for me to fall apart at my physical and emotional seams. I sometimes hear a note of surprise in their voices when they hear I'm fine. Still stable. Healthy. And expecting to stay this way.

You know what I'm waiting for? What I'm expecting for my future?  

I'm waiting for more moment-by-moment blessings from God, the way He's always blessed me before. I'm waiting to see how He'll use me next to encourage and help others. I'm waiting to see the good stuff that's down the road for me. And I'm waiting for that amazing day, when my full, God-packed life is finished, and I'll step into Heaven to continue the amazingness of knowing Him. Forever.

So there. :)


So what are you waiting for?


Happy People Have Less Risk of Heart Attack.

(So that's news? A bunch of us have believed that for years.)  


"For God gave us a spirit not of fear (or dread), but of power and love and self-control."  ... 2 Timothy 1:7

"Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  ... Philippians 4:5-9



  1. What am I waiting for? The end of May, when our homeschool co-op will be done and we can relax a little and not have to go out every single Friday. I won't have to prepare lessons for a few months for the class I teach. I can do some spring cleaning and enjoy the outdoors too!

  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Oh Debra! I loved this one - as a 50-plus almost emptynester - I want to wait for the good things and expect them! Thank you for being such an encourager! Taryn


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