Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Small (Mostly Free) Beginnings

Ok. I've been puttering in our yard for a few weeks and well, please keep in mind I prefer a wild sort of look, not manicured, not perfect.

And certainly not costly, things being what they are right now, so mostly I've just used what I have.

In the top photo? The little gate and the wrought-iron thing were curb finds. I began transplanting forget-me-nots behind the little fence today.  The flag pole forget-me-nots were some growing in our lawn, also (they've grown since you last saw them).

You've heard of making lemonade from lemons? Well, I've been making planter beds out of our millions of fallen twigs. Here's a closer peek:

Tom said they look like planters Bear Grylls would make. I feel so proud. :) Oh, and I'm using lots of the compost which I began saving as soon as we moved here.

Now, this looks better in-person, but here are at least 100 forget-me-nots I've transplanted from our lawn in a river form, plus some daylilies I borrowed from a corner near our garage. Previously, the peony was the only thing in the flower bed. I'd like to plant lettuce in the empty spots.

Oh! And see the swirly plant stand? Our neighbors gave that to me last week. I'm thinking maybe I'll just fill the shelves with books which I'll read outside while I sit all dreamy-eyed staring at the river.

There's much more to do, but so far I've enjoyed just taking the cheap route--using what I already have. 


For the kind of wild-looking yard I prefer most, take a peek at Kristi's yard here. It makes me smile, and ok, ok.... a bit covetous, too! :) Oh, not because of the larger size, but rather, all those pretty, established plants.



  1. I love what you have done in the yard! Also love that plant stand!

  2. Rosemary11:16 PM

    Your flowers are lovely and I quite like the twig idea - very natural and rustic looking.

  3. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Good Idea using those twigs like that! I like it!!!!! I thought of kind of a Hobbit Cottage look myself. Seems so many of us now are using what we have. Certainly should if we have them already instead of investing time and $ into something else to have around! I've been moving plants around and having fun playing in the mud too!! I never iced a manicured yard. Kristi's is so natural and I can sure understand why you like it. I have not planted as much veggies as I usually do this year. Instead I am taking the time to clear out and redo areas in the yard etc. Taking time out and not over doing it...hopefully! :) I think our yard is just beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Sarah


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