Thursday, May 17, 2012

She's Baaaack...

Wow. What a day.

For the first time in something like 600 days, I sent Tom off to work with a happy kiss and then I went crazy.

I ...

...played my retro radio station loudly much of the day.
...vacuumed the whole downstairs.
...vacuumed the rug on the front porch then swept the rest of the porch.
...washed the dishes then swept the kitchen floor.
...printed a bunch of coupons then filed them in my two coupon wallets.
...mowed the lawn, trimmed the front hedge, then raked the clippings.
...did the ironing and watched Bear Grylls while doing so..
...changed the filter in our Brita water jug.
...made Fideo for lunch/dinner and fixed a salad.
...began reading The Curtain Goes Up. 
...trimmed the grass around a tree.
...watered outside plants and changed the water in two indoor bamboo plants.
... filled the birdfeeders.
...played with the cats, fed them and hugged them both repeatedly.

Of course, I could barely move by the time Tom stepped through the back door, but hey! What an awesome, awesome day.

And just think! I get to have one very much like it tomorrow. Hopefully I can remember to wear an apron next time.


I appreciate your congratulations and encouraging comments here and at Facebook so very much...... thank-you for celebrating with us!

Tom returned from work today happy to be back in the ol' power plant business again. I felt grateful that he'd enjoyed his first day there.



  1. Your comments reminded me of June Cleaver on Leave it to Beaver. :) I know she wore an apron, swept the floor and cooked in the kitchen. But I'm sure she didn't mow the yard. :)
    Have Fun!

  2. It was a rather depressing morning over here. But it got better. Such a pleasure to rejoice with those who rejoice!

  3. Anonymous1:18 AM

    I used to only vacuums when Hubby was out of the house ...he hates the noise, also interrupts his tv time and I can vacuums better without moving his feet! :) :) :) :) Now though through retirement he is home the 8+ hours he used to be at work. Consequently I haven't been able to vacuums lately for a month! Every time he mentions he is going in the car and get something he instead waits till another time when we are both out together to do it. :) So silly! He does not mind being together 24/7 evidentially. :) I envy him not needing any alone time. :) Life is full of adjustments. I am positive he has to adjust to me MANY times!! :) So I am Really Enjoying hearing of your Suzy Homemaker day and hoping to hear of many more and live vicariously though you on that score! Enjoy, enjoy and enjoy it some more! Our lives are all different and we are all at different seasons of our lives at the same time and actually every day is a blessing to have. We could spend all day thinking about it and still not realize all the blessing we have had bestowed on us for even that one day. !! Isn't life wonderful...!! :) Sarah

  4. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Oh I forgot to mention how cute it must have at home all busy and happy and in a split screen Tom at work all busy and happy too!!! To each his own. You Suzy Homemaker and Tom the Happy worker. Men must have some equivalent to Suzy...what would that be?? So good to think he was so happy to be back in his own element as you were to be back in your happy element. A win win situation!!!!!!! All set to music by God. Sarah

  5. Rosemary8:19 AM

    Sounds like Debra's got her groove back...YAH! Can't wait to hear about all the projects you and Suzy will be working on at Hobbit Cottage!

  6. This made me smile because I can so relate! Why do we slow down when our beloved men are home? I do the same thing, only mine is retired now...this is the way it's going to stay, LOL!
    I'm so happy for both of you, and mostly for God's grace for carrying you through. He is always faithful!

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Debra, thinking of you this morning and I check in and Tom has gone back to work. Oh, such great news! It's just wonderful. Congrats, you two! Joyce

  8. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I guess I'm a little late commenting on this post Debra, but I just have to say how happy I am for you! :) And just maybe a teensy bit envious (which is bad and wrong and I'm fighting it). I also want to say how inspired I am by you because when things go slightly "off course" you show all of us just HOW to lean on the Lord, and trust, and wait for Him to steer the ship (so to speak), which He *always* will do, if we can just allow it. Congrats to both of you!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.