Friday, May 18, 2012

Sharing: The Road to Happiness

Ah, those cats. What they've added to my life! 

Especially since Tom's returned to work, why, it's like the old glory days of Lennon and McCartney. I go outside and--when I spy a cat in the window--stop and wave and speak to it just like to earlier cats long gone. And when I glimpse them sitting beside each other staring out from the storm door, I smile at their cuteness and their happiness, too, at being able to watch the birds and squirrels and the leaf shadows playing on the lawn.

How God blesses us when we share our lives with others, even when those others are pets.

Sadly, I know lots of depressed, miserable, complaining Christians and I've noticed they usually have one thing in common: they are not sharers. No, they concentrate upon, "How can I get what I need? How can I make my circumstances better? How can I make myself happy?"

But the happiest Christians I know? They share everything they have and are. They think-up 'Living to Give' goals. They're too busy to complain because they're watching for the next need to pop-up in someone's life and then pouncing to meet that need if they can. And calling it all joy.

Oh, to be like those people and to spend time with them, also, learning how to give, encourage and live better. I'm needing to beef up those goals in my own life.

When I look back--besides the moments I've shared alone with God--it's been the hours I've shared with others that have brought me the most happiness. Be they people in Real Life or online or be they sweet little animals running around my house, making me laugh at their antics or even the sparrows out at our feeders, the same sparrows God's aware of when they drop into the grass. 

Sharing. So godly. So welcome.  シ


Our neighbors' pretty landscaping this morning.


19 Ways to Encourage Others


2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.


Speaking of cats.... Back when Daniel was soo sick, I realized how trivial I'm being when I complain about lesser things. What's more important than our family's health? And since that time? When I'm tempted to complain, God immediately zaps me with conviction and --often the complaint stops on its way to my tongue. 

So I can be thankful the hard time happened, if only for that one thing.



  1. After all of the adjustment your cats went through it seems that they are now great friends. That is so nice. People could take a lesson from our furry friends.

  2. Thank you for the Encouragement list.

    Some great ideas!

  3. Those cats! You waited a long time for them to be the best of friends. But just look at them now!


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