Thursday, February 16, 2012

This and That. Majorly.

Oy! Y'all must be some mighty prayer warriors (and God must be quite big) because Tom's dad was given only three days to live, but here's what our brother-in-law emailed about him five days after that diagnosis:

"Mike has bounced back.  He is eating and laughing and living!"

My, my,my.... Even in the best of times that would be an overly-zealous description of Tom's dad. heh. So we really do thank you for praying. Perhaps Tom's dad just needed to know he was still loved--and with the way the family rallied around him--he saw that for himself.

Again, thanks. Any continued prayer would be great, also.


Uh-oh! I've turned Tom into a Laura Ingalls Wilder fan.  

Nine years ago after one of his surgeries, he read Farmer Boy and The Long Winter and now in the past week he's read By The Shores of Silver Lake, The Long Winter and he's almost finished with These Happy Golden Years. This afternoon we even visited together where we viewed the Ingalls' and Wilders' houses, plus, we looked through a magazine I've kept since 1999 which showed the inside of the Surveyors' House and the house that Pa built in the town of DeSmet.

Happy sigh.

And it's pretty wild to see Tom reading a Laura Ingalls Wilder book at the same time he's also watching some blood-and-guts cop show on tv. Alas.  Makes me chuckle.


And that's about all that's new from 'round these parts, except that today I received two more Valentines in the mail and was totally thrilled about that!


Evening sunlight. Love it. Makes the roosters almost come to life.


Some favorite sites for grocery coupons (The Krazy Coupon Lady has the very best printable coupon data base, imo). It's easy to subscribe to the ones which are coupon blogs:

Red Plum

Smart Source

Saving Naturally

Living Rich With Coupons

Coupon Dad

Money Saving Mom

The Krazy Coupon Lady



  1. You made me feel like digging some of my Laura books out to read again. They have been a favorite of mine ever since I was a little girl.


  2. I also got a great deal on Mom's Best Natural cereal a couple weeks ago. I really like it. I got the raisin bran. I hope it goes on sale again, soon. I need to find some more coupons for it in case it does.

    I ordered By the Shores of Silver Lake, after you blogged about it. It was a great deal, on, and is a new collector's edition. I haven't started it yet, because I've been reading other books, but I'm looking forward to it.

    Shopping like you are doing certainly saves a lot of money.


  3. A Joyful Chaos--always fun to discover another lover of these books! :)And it's always a treat to hear from a new reader here at my blog.

    NancyR--oh! Didn't know Mom's Best has raisin bran--I've never seen it here in all the years I've been buying it. Tom and I love their 'cheerios' best, but Tom also likes the shredded wheat squares and we both like oats and honey flakes (I add raisins and apples to those). :)

    I was able to get 2 more coupons from the Mom's Best website this morning before I left--I have two email boxes and I'd forgotten that I'd not asked for coupons at the second email box. With those two coupons I saved an additional two dollars (since our store doubles) on four boxes. Loved that. Yes, coupons make Life more fun, don't they? :)

    Thanks, Ladies.... Debra

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Thanks for more coupon links!!
    Eliabeth in NC

  5. I am so happy to hear that Toms Dad is better! I will continue to pray! You also have me wanting to read the Laura books.


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