Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Of Cats

So! Tom and I had this great plan.

The very same week that our new financial plan becomes all settled, we would adopt two cats from the shelter. That way we'd be assured to have enough money for their food, litter, veterinarian and other kitty expenses. Yes, that's what we'd do--and we'd bring home only young cats (1 - 2 years old) so they'd live a long time.

Well. Sunday night Naomi came over as she's done a lot lately because her computer's on the fritz and to slip in some extra visiting time with us before she moves to Tennessee in March.

At one point, she paused and said she needed to ask us something, but we would be free to say no if we wanted. (Hmmm hmmm.) Then she asked if, when she moved, we'd take her huge black pony cat, Sammy, to live with us.

Oh dear. Naomi's reasons and proposals were as follows:

Naomi will be just renting a room at first and Sammy is too big of a pony cat to be (fairly) kept inside one room.
Sammy needs a house in which to live comfortably.
Naomi's finding it impossible to find a place to rent which will allow 3 cats.
And ok, Sammy is 8, but still, he just wants to play 24/7, yet his sisters, Ginger and Farah, can barely stand him. They would fight all the time inside one room.
Sammy needs a playtime-buddy and if we got another, younger male cat at the same time, then Sammy would be new here, too, and not as territorial and the two cats could play together and live happily ever after.

And then Naomi hurriedly promised she'd buy all sorts of food and litter and whatever else we needed and she'd even send monthly checks and -- she was getting teary-eyed by this time and Tom was the first one to give-in and say, "Sure, Sweetheart, we'll take him."

And I was close behind, because hey... If you, too, are a parent you know this was one of those things where--if we said no-- Life as we know it would end. :)

So we'll be getting two cats at the end of February and everything money-wise will be fine. How do I know? Because this is one of those things where the only choice was choosing to do the right thing and God honors those kinds of choices with all the provision we'll ever need.

So stay tuned! The next Cat Chapter of our lives will begin in a couple of weeks. And all will be well and good.

Besides, Hobbit Cottage badly needs a couple cats, anyway.


Valentine's Day around Hobbit Cottage was so special. I hope it was the same at your house.


Did anyone check-out those PioneerGirl and FrontierGirl websites yesterday?


Proverbs 3:5  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Proverbs 16:9  "Man's mind plans his way, but God directs his steps."



  1. So nice for you to help your daughter out and you also get to enjoy the cats. Fun! I liked what you said about if you do what is right God makes provision. I need a little help from God right now. We did what was right but...well it was about my mother's care for the last 11 years which has been the responsibility of myself and my daughter. Now, I think my sister wants more than half since mom has passed. There isn't a lot but my thoughts are that I will share my 1/2 with my daughter and my sister can have the other half. I'm asking God to make this smooth sailing with my sister. She is already sending notes and all as to what she will have. Hmmm please pray for me because I to believe we did what was right and I'm not trying to take more than is rightfully mine. Yep, this was off the cat subject for sure. :)

  2. It will be nice for you to have cats in your home again and you are helping your daughter out at the same time, sounds perfect!
    Thanks for sharing about my Valentine party on your blog!

  3. We have taken three stray dogs that my daughter rescued. My neighbor has two dogs that came from her kids.
    I guess rescuing our kid's ,rescued, pets is contagious!

    I'm sure you will enjoy those cats for years to come.

  4. Dolores2:41 PM

    Cats! I've been waiting for this moment. I'll be looking for pictures.

  5. A house is not a home without a cat, IMHO. It's a win-win, like all of God's purposes. :)

  6. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Can you imagine the trepidation Naomi felt worrying over your response and waiting for the right moment to ask? She must have been worried about what would happen to 'the pony' :) for quite a while. I guessed from the moment you mentioned cats , then that she was coming,.. what the rest of the story would probably be. :) !! Like you said what else can you do? She may even call more often to check up on Sammy. :) Pictures to follow soon I hope. My two cats are gone now too and I have been wondering too....about new cats in our future. Sarah

  7. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Glad the kitty plan is in place soon. That will be so nice for you 2.

    Thanks for the Laura sites...very interesting. So odd how few offspring many of those listed had...and that there are no descendants directly from Laura and her family now. Out of all those children, one would think a large family would emerge...
    Elizabeth in NC


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