Friday, February 03, 2012

Our Words ... And Setting Limits

So yesterday our dear realtor friend, Cher, came over to lunch and oh! She said the last time she was here with us, it was a house, but now we had turned it into a home. 

If she liked something, she said so and by the time she left, our house seemed prettier and I felt more creative. Wow.

And well, I couldn't help but compare this visit to the one by our neighbor out on the farm , who, after a half hour, said nothing about our home. And after she left? I kinda felt like a decorating dud.

Over and over again I see the truth in these verses:

"The power of  Life and Death are in the tongue."  ... Proverbs 18:21

"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pitchers of silver."  ... Proverbs 25:11

Weekly I tell myself, "Let the encouragement flow. Don't keep silent out of shyness, fear or anything else. Bless people by the truth. Never hold back, especially when God is saying, "Use your words to bless that person!"

Especially then.


Cher was remembering my dressing table closet in our first suburb house so I sent her a picture of it for her friend who likes such things, along with a link to photos from that house which I'd practically forgotten I had. If you'd like to visit there again, go here



  1. Charming photos of the house you used to own. Lots of good ideas!

    I agree that people should find something nice to say. Even if you don't like the style or decorating, you can find something positive to say. "Nice color on the walls". "Nice view". "Very colorful". "You have made so many improvements". Whatever. You can always find something nice to say.

    Recently I showed the latest photos of my grandchildren to a friend. She didn't have a word to say. I am biased, but these kids are really very cute. I was telling my closest friend that even if you think a child is not very appealing, you can always find something positive to say. "What a cute smile". "Pretty eyes". "His personality really shows through".
    Saying nothing, feels very negative.

    Regarding the price limits. I have done that for a long time, but with prices increasing rapidly, I have had to increase my minimums.
    We have Kroger affiliate stores, where I live, and they are currently having great prices when you buy 10 participating items. I just stocked up on pasta at
    49 cents, and 12 oz. cans of tomato sauce for 49 cents. The 6 oz cans are normally about a dollar. When you find a great sale, it is definitely time to stock up, because the next time you need an item, it is sure to be twice as much.

    Great post.

  2. Oh Debra, I enjoyed those photos of your old house, that was before I knew you. They were wonderful!

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Ah, you were plenty creative at the farm...but maybe all that work kept you from some of the kinds of creative you would rather do. I know that paring down for me is ok, because truly? I would enjoy more time to quilt, sew, write, read, crochet, etc...and that can take place in even an RV!! Finding what we need for our lifestyle is sometimes so different from "the ole American way" of doing! And besides some of the teachers we enjoy listening to point out that if GOD allowed it, it had a purpose, did learn right?? I sometimes think learning might be a very prime purpose in things!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  4. NancyR--Oh! I can't even imagine looking at children's photos and not saying anything! Thanks for sharing your story--that's a perfect example.

    Elizabeth--it feels like I've known you forever. I was surprised that you didn't know me back when we lived in that house! :)

    Elizabeth from NC--whenever I put a smiley at the end of the sentence, it shows I'm smiling, teasing or being tongue-in-cheekish. The creativity statement wasn't really a serious one. But thanks. :)

    Thanks, Everyone! ... Debra

  5. Just to say I was taught as a child NEVER to make personal comments about a person's appearance or home, that it was intrusive and rude. So when people "say something nice" about how I look or my house, it makes me distinctly uncomfortable.
    Uour real estate lady would have driven me up the wall, and I'd have been just fine with the neighbor who was polite enough, by my values, not to make remarks about something so personal as my home. Another perspective.

  6. Lynn--oh dear. It's better to hold back your kind, positive thoughts rather than share them so to lift up others? I can't imagine such a thing being pleasing to God. Sorry. "The law of kindness is upon her tongue"--that's what He said about the Proverbs 31 woman. She had to *speak* in order for the kindness to be present, to be upon her tongue. And it's that law of kindness I've chosen to live by--and voice-- so I will keep complimenting others when I visit their homes or when they are wearing something I find lovely, etc. "To Him who knows the right thing to do and does it not, to Him it is sin." (I live by that, too.) Blessings, Debra

  7. Anonymous1:31 AM

    I enjoyed this whole post. My creative juices seemed to have ebbed for a few years and are now resurfacing. To everything there is a season... Thanks for the grocery price limit chart. Some of them are hard to do now a days but I have followed JoAnn's idea of limiting the amount I will spend for a certain food or group of foods etc too. Even in clothing it has helped to set a limit. I enjoy going to the site: She has set a certain amount for her groceries for a long time now due to budget concerns. I get a lot of ideas and recipes there. There are so many helps on the web aren't there!! I think commenting positively to people is an encouragement and it is easy to find positive things to sincerely comment on. Sarah

  8. Sarah--yay! I'd just been thinking about you, how it had been awhile since you'd written.... so I'm glad you did. :) Thanks for that website--it sounds perfect! I will definitely check it out. Thanks for your kind words! Blessings, Debra


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