Thursday, February 02, 2012

Of One More Dream

So somehow I lost my copy of Laura Ingalls Wilder's, By The Shores of Silver Lake, either while at the farm or during the great Book Purge of 2007 ("I can always check it out from the library."). Ha! 

I adore that book. It's one that I neeed to have near me in case an overwhelming desire to read it descends upon me.

Well, with the Amazon gift card Tom gave me I ordered another copy and it arrived yesterday, a beautiful collector's color edition for just 1 penny (not including shipping). Oh wow, I devoured it. All in one day I reread this treasure probably for the 19th time. 

That Laura! She could certainly resurrect her whole family like nobody else--suddenly they all come alive again and it's 1879 inside your heart and head and you're in DeSmet, SD in its earliest days.

You know how many Christians would love to visit The Holy Land, to walk where Jesus walked and all that? Well, (now hang in there with me, kindly), I don't really, exactly, uh, wish to go there. See--to me--Jesus is here walking around Western New York. He's walking around my very room upstairs here because that's how real He is to me. In other words, I'm already walking where He walked. Where He's still walking, even.

(That is so truthfully how I feel. I hope it upsets no one.)

No, after having done just about everything I've ever truly wanted to, I have just one other place I'd like to go someday: De Smet, SD. 

Visiting De Smet would be awesome. For years I've seen photos galore of the houses there and read about the yearly festivities, but someday I'd like to see it all for myself. To walk where the Ingalls walked so long ago.

And you know? I believe that if God wants that for me, too, then it will happen. And I also believe if I never get to go, I'll still die a very happy woman. God has given me one amazing life, indeed, and even now I live beside my own shores of  a'Silver Lake' just down the street inside a cottage that's almost magical.  

But always He will be the most amazing part of this life--and as long as I have Him--I will be one contented, blessed woman. With or without a tour of De Smet.


These wedding photos were so hilarious I laughed until I nearly cried.


"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart." ... Psalm 37:4



  1. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Though it was not someplace I would have gone on my own, it was my hubby's dearest desire. So over a year ago we spent 16 wonderful days wandering about Jerusalem and going to the Wall to pray...and it was the most awesome experience of our lives. We did not take a tour, other than one 4 hours one with a personal guide, of the Old City and the newly found City of David (a dig but opened up nicely). What struck me was the sense of peace and safety that I have never felt anyplace else on earth, EVER!! Beyond description. For me, that was the best part of the trip!! (I cannot figure out HOW anyone can feel like fighting in that place!! Makes no sense to me!!) We stayed in a lady's home nearby and she was most helpful to us and became a friend, with whom we email back and forth. We hope to go again someday!! We will never be sorry we went!! I was changed by those 16 days...took away many of the fears I have had for maybe my whole life. (Am I still cautious? Prudence has value too...but THERE? I even walked the streets at midnight with hubby...something I would NEVER do anyplace in this country.)

    But I have loved Little House stories and movies both, over the years!! As have my children. So tis understandable your desire to go to where Laura lived.

    Elizabeth in NC

  2. I also love the stories and movies,but I have not read this one, I will have to look for it! I know what you mean about feeling that God is with you where you are, I feel that also at times and it is a wonderful feeling!


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