Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Other Side of Decluttering

Okay. Lest you think (after reading my last post) that it's a cinch for me to fling everything away during The Great Decluttering of 2011, let me say this:

Sometimes it almost physically hurts to let go of my stuff.

Really. The hardest things for me to release? My books, dvd's and people's gifts, especially Naomi's. Though Naomi is the most amazing gift-giver, personally--so it's a rare gift of hers that lands in the to-sell-box. So there is that. 

But oh! Each time I sit ruthlessly down amongst piles of my books, that's when the heart pain begins. Oh, my books! And yet I do long to be sensible--to keep books I'll read over and again and only those for which I have shelving.

And that's rough. Going through my dvd's? Pretty similar. Some characters feel like old friends.

So see? I have my decluttering issues, also. 

What helps? Reminding myself of the airy, free feeling over on the other side of having decluttered a room/closet/drawer. And knowing someone else in my world found what I released and viewed it, perhaps, as an answer to prayer.

There is all that, also.


"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

... William Morris


So on these hot days I'm reading like crazy and yesterday I finished the second book in the 'Claire series', Claire Knows Best. Adored it like the first one and now as I'm reading the third book, I Love Claire, I'm just as delighted and impressed!



  1. Julie soon no longer in Texas2:15 PM

    What is also helping me is that, at least when I have electricity, I can find most of my favorite media online. I have parted with old records and tapes, because I can find them on I-tunes and Youtube. I do have 3 giant plastic bins (or more!) of my one child's artwork, though! That is tough to throw out, because it shows her through her ages. I am also finding it possible to say goodbye to books I don't really have a strong feeling for, or don't use. If I have forgotten about something for years on end, I figure it's not that important to keep with me forever. ;)

  2. We recently got rid of about 200 books, and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
    It is rather "freeing" to purge!

  3. I scanned my son's artwork (not every little thing, but the good stuff) and keep it on a flash drive.
    I've also heard of people taking pictures of things they find hard to part with.

  4. I've got a lot of book shelves in my basement, but piles are starting to form. At that point my husband gets 'the look' and I know it's just a matter of time before one of his eyebrows starts to arch.

    I've found that I thrift shop enough to know that if I REALLY want something enough it WILL show up there.

    Makes it easier.

    And, now that I know I'm getting closer to having the colors in my kitchen that I have been wanting, I'll be able to get rid of everything that doesn't fit in. Soon. Very soon.

  5. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Yea...books, etc...we have gone thru some of those today...hubby put a few on Amazon too. But yes, quite hard!!



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