Saturday, July 23, 2011

Decluttering My Way to Freedom

Actually? I am loving the decluttering process. 

Stuff some yard sale boxes and bags with old clothes, dishes and knick-knacks I've not worn or used in three years and, instantly, I feel downright virtuous.

There is a rhythm to purging a home, a life, of useless clutter, a rhythm nearly like music that makes one feel weightless, as though she can soar.

Or something like that.

Do you remember my 1960's-bicycle post? It's one of my favorites in 7 years of gathering stories for my blog. (This weekend marks 7 years of doing so. Seven years--yikes! How long-winded I must be.)

Anyway, when God brought that bike practically right to my front door I adored Him for His kindness. I celebrated God's goodness by taking bike rides around our suburban block and smiled and felt ten-years-old all over again. A lovely happening, that.

But then we moved to the country, I stored the bike inside our barn, and it's leaned there against the chicken roost-thingy for three years.

Three whole years. (Though ok, twice I sat it near my garden for effect when we had guests. But hey.)

So you know what that means, don't you? When we have our big yard sale next month, I will sell my pretty, blue, God-given bike.

It's time. And even though we're moving back to the 'burbs, I now know myself better, that I'll not ride the bicycle there, either. I'll walk, yes, but no bike-riding. Besides--we won't have room for it in our tiny garage, so the bike needs to go.

But will my grateful memories of that bicycle go with it? Am I being disloyal to God for releasing His obvious gift to me? Of course not. No, the memories are safely tucked away. That gift was for a very specific time, and God and I both realize that. 

The giving away of that bicycle gift will dim nothing. Always we are letting go of something, that is, if we're growing and moving-on at God's rate of speed. 

His plans for us are never stagnant or stale. No, He wishes to move us forward with a lightness of heart that enables us to fly, once released from its heavy stuff. 



  1. You're opening an opportunity for someone else to have a God given adorable blue bike - what a delicious pleasure!

  2. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I always thought this to be a charming fairie garden. I do hope you plant Forget me Nots at Hobbit Cottage. I know I planted mine at Rose Hill Cottage because of yours.


  3. Glad to see you are letting go so well and letting God move in your lives in different ways that prepare you for new adventures.

  4. This is what my kids call, "blessing other people with your stuff" and are always urging me to do. And heaven knows I've been greatly blessed myself with "stuff" from other people.


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