Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wandering Back In On Her Birthday

I'm back! And on my birthday, of all days.

I majorly missed you, especially after your kind comments and the sweetest emails, ever. Really, I kept writing blog posts to you inside my head, so well, after getting God's ok, I came back.

Know what my problem was? I'd stepped over my own personal boundaries, just casually allowed myself to barrel through Grace's lovely, keep-you-out-of-trouble voice, in fact.

Tsk. Tsk. Rather than just appreciating coupons and my online surveys, it became more like Must. Find. More. Coupons. And. Surveys. Rather than trusting God, I stepped over into worry. Rather than staying on this side of balance, joy and saying no to distractions, I crossed over into a land ripe with so-so, average places for my head. And it all led to an oh-hum, average, fretful sort of life.

Not good. Don't ever blast right through your personal boundaries, ok?

And the remarkable thing? Just realizing my mistake with boundaries was enough to restore some joy, hope and gladness. Just the thinking about it! Wow. God is neat that way.

So with my boundaries back in place (most of them), I've returned to Blogland and with you. And I do thank you--your notes reminded me that there is a purpose to all this and I should stay here until God moves me to another land.

Know what I did yesterday? I, alone, drove back to our hometown and went to the dentist and finally got that chipped tooth problem filled (four weeks later). Then I bought groceries (coupons in my hot little hands), then drove to the DMV to get my licence renewed--needed an eye test this time. Good gracious, they got me in and out of there in three minutes--yes, at the DMV

And gah, they took my picture, me all totally unprepared and with a crooked smile from the Novocaine. Oh well.

And as I drove through the sunny streets of that town where we lived 15 years I recalled all my nearly-enchanted years there. Oh the good times! I told myself I'm ready to return to those giddy times of the heart, for that's where the best times happen--on the inside. It's in the head and heartland where we decide to be happy and keep calm. Nothing can take that joy away. Nothing.

So happy birthday to me on a day when I can absolutely smell Springtime and Hope on the air. And even though Tom is still without a job and Lennon is forever gone and I injured a rib with all my coughing from that dreadful virus, yet God is still God, He is still good.

Our robin pair arrived last week, even, to tell me that all will be well. And I believed them.


John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]

Amplified version


  1. Oh yeah! you're back. I really missed you.
    I don't comment everyday, but often your posts (which start my day) rumble around in my head and remind me of what is true and good and what IS right with the world. So YAY again. :)

  2. OH! and Happy Birthday! May it be wonderful.

  3. Happy, Happy Birthday Debra! May it be your best one ever! I am so glad you are back blogging. I was very sad at the thought of not having your wonderful blogs to encourage and inspire me.

  4. Welcome back! I missed you too. I check your blog every morning when I get to work to see what's up in your little world and many times it reflects my own! Happy Birthday to you as well!!! have a wonderful day!

  5. Dolores9:48 AM

    Happy Birthday and Welcome Back!

  6. I really enjoy your writings! So much so that I have started my own blog and LOVE blogging!

  7. Welcome back my friend, you were missed, and a very happy and blessed birthday to you!!
    What you experienced is being human, but what keeps you is Jesus and the wisdom He imparts..and receiving it!
    I will follow you in your lead today and also enjoy this day that the Lord has made.
    Welcome home.

  8. I'm so glad you are back, Debra!

  9. I missed you.
    Glad you are back.

  10. Happy Birthday, a day late! Hope it was a good one.

    Blessings to you!

  11. A belated Happy Birthday wish...

  12. Julie in Texas1:27 AM

    I was out of commission for a while, but popped back in to your blog for this pleasant surprise! :)
    Glad you are back and good to know you are a fellow Pisces, as well, with the gifts of upcoming Spring and hope on your birthday! :)


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