Friday, February 25, 2011

Choosing God's Idea of Simple

Feeling tons better today! As though true healing has begun. Thank-you so much for your prayers. Really.

Way back when we moved to New York from Nevada, we did it God's simple way:

Tom read about a job in New York.
He decided to go for it.
God whispered to me (pretty clearly while in the shower, in fact) that I wasn't to argue about it. I was just to follow Tom--and God-- to New York willingly--and all would be well.
Ten weeks later we arrived and in the 18 years since, we've experienced the most incredible adventure.

Now, that's the way to move, I say! ツ But of course, this time I could choose the complicated, worldly way. 

You know, I could scribble long, messy pros-and-cons lists, worry that we'll find a disaster house, be afraid we won't have enough money for the whole ordeal, and make myself crazy wondering, "Are we doing the right thing? What will everybody think? Will we regret this? Can I bear the humidity? Can we sell this old farmhouse in time?". I could spend hours wondering if I'll be able to deal with Naomi living so far away, whether we'll find a safe neighborhood and nearby areas for country drives and fear that our next move won't turn out as magical as this one has.

Or I can, again, choose God's simple way.

As in, I can quietly believe that--as long as we're hearing from Him--everything is going to be just fine.

God will send us someplace lovely. In His chosen place, He'll work out the myriad details and all will be well. That is, as long as Tom and I do things God's way.

How do I know that? Because that's the way I live my life. And that's exactly what happened when we followed God across the United States way back in 1993.

And God is still God, yes, even in 2011.


The perfect verse! (Thanks, Anne, for reminding me of this one):

Psalm 16:6

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;

... surely I have a delightful inheritance."


"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." ... James 1:17

"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."
"Do not let your heart be troubled..."



  1. Dolores Lynn9:48 AM


  2. Julie in Texas9:50 PM

    We all need to read this and heed it! :)


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