Thursday, November 04, 2010

Of Pumpkins and Krill Oil

Wow. My garden gave me 16 pumpkins this year. Definitely a record, for last year I grew just ten, though I was thrilled with that since I'd not grown pumpkins in, oh, 17 years or so. That's also the last time I made my own pumpkin puree for pies, but guess what I'll be doing again soon?


Once again I must voice my praises of krill oil. Oh. My. Goodness. How wonderful to remember what a full night's sleep feels like! How marvelous to awaken at 3:00 a.m. and feel sooo tired rather than oh-so-awake.

In the past four months I've slept better than I have the past four years. Honest. And on the rare occasion when I awaken around 2 a.m. (because most likely I ignored my conscience and ate something I ought not have) I just get up, take another krill oil--counting it as my daytime one(I take two each 24 hours)--and fall back to sleep soon.

I've still yet to find a better price than I do at VitaCost online. We buy the 300 softgel bottle (1,000 mg.'s) and they're shipped to my mailbox at the speed of light (nearly). And they're always rewarding us with some kind of reduced price offer.

So I highly recommend both krill oil and VitaCost. Not only am I sleeping better, but my memory is much-improved, too. Thank-goodness (was getting worried there for awhile). And it would improve even more if I'd get out and walk around the block like I used to kinda-daily in the burbs. Fresh air and exercise are supposed to help with the ol' memory as well. I do ramble around our pasture and meadow a bit, but that's not quite enough (I'd be too self-conscious to walk in circles and circles around each one) and Tom's been mowing the lawn more frequently (so I'm mowing less--and loving my yard and house more), not that I'm complaining about that, certainly! I just need to push myself into getting out more.


Tom is meeting with an unemployment counselor today. He's thinking perhaps he'll look into finishing his online courses from Franklin Univ. for his bachelor degree in computer science. We shall see what we shall see. :)


  1. You need to stroll gently about the perimeter of your estate once or twice daily, young lady! Unless there is too much snow or a rain storm in progress! I will have to investigate krill oil.

  2. Can you tell us what brand you use? I have read that you have to be careful. Did you ever try regular fish oil? I love reading your blog. I love your optmism!


  3. Kristi--I'll think about that. heh. :)

    Lori-- We use Nutraceutical Sciences Institute brand. The other name for the krill oil on the bottle is KriaXanthin.

    We used fish oil for years, but it did nothing for me. Nada. Zilch. Then I read that it can go rancid inside your stomach (ew). Krill oil doesn't do that, so I'd be more careful with fish oil, actually. Frankly, I don't plan on ever going back to fish oil, even though it's cheaper. I also love that krill oil comes in tiny softgels rather than those horse-pill-sized fish oil things(!)

    In many places online krill oil is said to be anywhere from 30 to 60 percent better than fish oil in many ways, so there's that, too.

    Really, I'm thinking krill oil is my new miracle drug. :) It's made both my nights *and* days much more pleasant.

    Thanks for asking and reading here, too! I appreciate it. Blessings, Debra

  4. Well Debra this is the first I ever heard of Krill Oil. Will have to check into the availability locally or the company you suggested. Thanks


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