Monday, October 11, 2010

Tom's Workbench. And More.

So here it is. The $25 workbench. What a deal! It's the sturdiest thing you've ever seen and both table tops are made of stainless steel. The top table was completely brown with oil, but Tom shined it up. The bottom part will be polished next.

We've found that patience is often rewarded. This is an example. (Though, yes! It's hard to be patient for something you really desire.)

And this is one set of shelves, the other is behind the table. Both are made from chrome-plated steel and came with plastic liners. Both were $20 each.

Saturday was a great day for deals. Obviously.

And on my way out to the garage this morning I took this picture, too. It's the scene outside my kitchen window and I like to pretend that the circular meadow back there is a ballroom and --when we're not looking-- the young oak trees swirl their orange skirts and dance.

Someday I'll catch them at it.


Here's something fun: How to Decorate a June Cleaver Retro Kitchen.


  1. Tom did really well for sure.

  2. Oh, my, What a deal!!!!

    My son has about four of those shelves that he bought at Lowe's - three in his "office" (I call it command center) and one in the garage. They did not cost $20.00 each and he had to assemble them!

    Debra, you have an amazing imagination! I am now imagining my river birch waltzing through my back yard! It's such a graceful tree. Maybe it will dance with the ginkgo in the front yard. They might be a good match!

    Just now my sour gum/ tupelo/pepperidge tree is the most gloriously colored in my garden. I just look at it and feel my spirits rise!

  3. The desires of our hearts.
    Every one is known every one. When it is for our good they come.


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