Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Heaven Thoughts

When I step into Heaven, I so don't want God to look down at me and say, "Debra, Debra. You were worried and upset about so many things."

How dreadful to reach the end of my whole decades of Life only to hear, "You could have experienced thousands of additional hours of joy, but you doubted that I knew how to take care of you."

Brrrrr! Sends shivers down my back.

And--with all that in mind--perhaps that's why I've chosen to enjoy Tom's weeks of unemployment and all its up-in-the-air-ness. I want to do this right and not use my faith to believe for something bad (my personal definition of fear). Rather, I so want to show God that I trust Him instead of just writing in this blog that you should.

All my lessons should count for something. After all, my desire is to step into Heaven prepared, already having experienced bits of Heaven here upon Earth in the day to day, the year by year.

He's made that available, you know.


Just a reminder: The calendar feature at Yahoo Mail can, well, totally improve your life. And your memory. 

It's a cinch to set it up to send you emails which will remind you to do everything from putting out your trash and paying your bills to sending cards for birthdays or anniversaries, being alerted to yearly fun local events and whatever else you wish to remember but are prone to forget. My sorry, over-50-brain loves my Yahoo Calendar!



  1. OMG Debra I fell for that blog as well and will be following it too. Thank you so very much for letting me know about it. I could feel God in ways I never did reading the story. Have a wonderful day.

  2. What a lovely blog you discovered!
    I'm in the grateful space myself these days.
    Grateful for a paid off reliable car, grateful for refinancing a few months ago when I had a job, grateful for friends who insist on treating me to Persian music concerts or Indian food from a bus, grateful for a mother who is happy,albeit due to medication, but still, most all the time, grateful for cooler weather, cats who make me laugh and keep me company. Etc.

  3. Beautiful message in your post today..as always.
    I will check out the post you recommend, I'm sure it's wonderful.
    I love that stainless steel table in your previous post! I'd like to have it in my kitchen...if I had the room!

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Good post Debra.
    While our time on earth does count for something I believe that once we are in heaven, it will be so wonderful we won't have any regrets. But on the other hand, I agree - let's enjoy what we can!
    Also - thanks for the tip about the Russian blog - I love this.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.