Saturday, October 09, 2010

Autumn In My Backyard

Thursday was autumn glorious. All day. Windows opened, breezes and Andy Williams crooning and wafting through the screens. Mid-sixties, sunny blue-skied. The kind of day whose memory lifts you out of the darkest, snowiest February afternoon. Golden perfection.

I call this Autumn Punch Bowl.

Leaves twirling everywhere in that autumn slant of light.

Celebration in the air. Everywhere.

I hope you're celebrating, too.


Think that you have nothing to celebrate? Oh, but you have God and Life and Autumn!


  1. Each season has it's special greatness and yes Autumn is awesome with it's cooler temperatures after living through the triple digit summer. Colors are amazing but none of what I just mentioned is possible without God. To Him be all the glory and honor.


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