Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I've told you before about our real-live milkman, Bob. Well, here is his truck. Cool, huh?

And here is Bob driving away.  シ

And guess what? After a year-and-a-half, we now have a garage door. The guys put it in yesterday.

They'll return soon to remove another portion of an inside wall and to install the "works" for the garage door. And then that will be it! No more bigtime work until Autumn.

Basically I had to wait 35 years to live on a farm. I was 14 when the dream began, although at that time, my house was going to be a cabin in the deep, dark woods with no one else around, not even a husband(!) But alas, as one grows-up, ones dreams get some common-sense-tweaking.

Well, ideally.

And what I believe? I believe it matters how we live the years before our dreams materialize. If I spend hours complaining about my present house, why should God give me another one to complain about?

Yes, it mattered, I think, that for 35 years I didn't mope and hold grudges, bite peoples' heads off because I didn't have my country place. 

It mattered that I tried to live contentedly, making sweet little homes for us, even in the double-wide mobile home in the trailer park in the Nevada desert (though yeah, it was rough). Or in our last house with the postage-stamp yard, the house where, if you reached out far enough, you could almost touch your neighbors' fingers if they, too, were reaching.

No, I felt Grace in all those places and tried to make each into happy homes.

And then finally, when the time must have been right, God opened the Country Door and Tom and I skipped through it. And because I cooperated with Grace all those previous years (or tried to, anyway) I didn't move out here with a load of, "Why Didn't We Do This Sooner?" regrets. 

I'd had a pleasant life, so why complain?

God's timing is always perfect and I certainly wouldn't want to end up where He never planned for me to be. For starters, there would most likely be no milkmen riding around in trucks out there in the wrong place.  ッ


Think home delivery of milk in glass bottles is a thing of the past? Here is a list of some dairies which still serve milk in glass bottles, some of which have home delivery. 

And this must just be a partial list because our own local dairy with Milkman Bob isn't even on this list. 

These kinds of old-fashioned places make my day.


Psalm 37:5

"Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and he shall bring it to pass."

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You." ... Isaiah 26:3

Psalm 37:4

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."


  1. this could not be more true! and it seems that while we wait for the seeds of our dreams to germinate, God is all the while refining those dreams so when they finally bloom we can fully embrace and understand the impact of grace.

  2. A wonderful post Debra! I also caught up on your last few,I had not been on blogger for a few days because of,well read my last post,you will see. As always your posts make me smile and realize all is well. Thanks friend!

  3. Love your new Header by the way, ahh yes simplier times and Bob the Milkman. So cool I'll have to check your list and see what I can do to get my very own Milkman! Your place looks fabulous Debra and now the garage looks complete and just so cute. I have so enjoyed watching your farm grow and you! Blessings, Pearl

  4. Debra, thank you so much for your kind words. I am perusing Dr. Mercola's site tonight. He does have a lot of stuff to sink my teeth into.

    As for being content where God has you now, that is the best place to be. God's timing is just the most perfect. Although truthfully, right now I'm not feeling too content with where I am health-wise. LOL.

  5. your header is beautimous!

  6. Debra,

    Photos for headers are working again. I love your photo. The blue and white looks so cool and summery.


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