Sunday, February 07, 2010

Of Never Saying Never

Sometimes your blog posts make me, well, sad. And sometimes your comments here make me sad, also.

It's your words which, from your heart, sound as though you'll never feel as happy as you once did in your head, your heart, your relationships. Or feeling that, since your children are grown, your best days are gone forever. Or believing you'll never use your talents again because they've left you.

You know, 'never words.' I hate never words. Truly.

Please, if you learn nothing else from my blog, please learn to never say never, ok?

Never is a lie. 

For instance, back around 1991 during my depressing Nevada Years, I remember standing in front of my bookcases in my home office and asking to see what was ahead in my future (hoping it would be an improvement upon my present).

Suddenly, all I 'saw' was a grey, swirling, grey, grey fog. That's it. That was all. That was my future, one which would never be as delightful as my past once had been.

But you know? A tiny (tiny!) light of hope deep within me cried, "Don't fall for that lie! Always the sun remains behind the clouds. Always the sun is still there even when you cannot see it."

And although it was hard, I decided to believe the voice of hope, not the grey fog of despair. And wow. Within one year my life became brighter,happier and it's steadily grown lovelier, sweeter all these 18 years ever since that horrible day when I almost believed that Fog Lie.

Again, never say never. 

Believe, instead, that things will--somehow--get better (don't make yourself crazy, though, wondering just how). Stay willing to change how you see and believe and always be willing to learn. To re-think ideas, such as, 'different' is a synonym for 'not as good as'. It isn't, you know. 'Different' often can mean even better.

You can teach an old dog new tricks. Don't let anyone--especially yourself-- convince you otherwise.


Romans 12:2

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."


Am I excited about the Super Bowl? Uh, no. Tom is, though. シ



  1. A good flat hand thump on the forehead today! We all need that now and again....thanks!
    Glad you got through your *Fog*

  2. Alright that was just for me! So you heard me last night in my funk did ya?
    I thought stinkin thinking that I have reached my apex.
    ok i get it
    thank you.
    Ha bet you "never" saw that one coming HAHAH

  3. Just wanted to thank you for this post. I am one who lately at almost 46, married almost 24 yrs, has been having regrets of things done/not done, saying/not saying things, etc, etc. You have hit right on where I'm at in my life.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.