Sunday, February 07, 2010

Calling All Animal Trackers

Okay. We have all sorts of animal tracks in the snow around our house and I know that the tracks, above, are from rabbits.
But what about these, below?

It's almost like an animal hopped upon a pogo stick in a straight line. Hmmm... We do have deer, too, but do they walk in such a straight line? If you know which animal made these, let me know, ok?

I forgot to tell you that around 11:30 one morning while I sat in my room upstairs before the window, I saw a fox cross our street, then continue running across the field right before my eyes. A bushy brown-red old thing he was. Third time I've seen a fox out here--and since we have no chickens--I bear no ill will toward him.

Although, I do enjoy our wild rabbits and fear for their safety a bit. Speaking of which, one morning at 4:30 I stepped into our dark bathroom, looked out the nearly floor-to-ceiling window and saw a rabbit sitting in the snow and the moonlight only feet away. It was probably just 5 degrees out there in the darkness, but there he sat, peacefully. I stood at the window and watched him awhile, tapped the glass, but still he sat as a statue, as if enchanted by the early morning silence.

I know how he felt, I think. When I step out the back door at 5:30 a.m. to walk over the snow to the mailbox for the newspaper, always I notice the stillness, the silence. And then I take a deep gulp of cold, crisp air to refresh my lungs.

I do love country living.


  1. i love to watch how the animals enjoy whereever the Lord has planted them ... content ...

    as for what made those tracks - ? you'll have to get up at 4:30 to catch that one too!

    blessings on our week ahead ... leo is gearing up for the superbowl, and i'm gearing up for some reading and quiet time ... ahhhh

  2. Those are some mighty odd tracks, Debra!

    I haven't a clue.

  3. Bigfoot for sure!

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    My very elderly dog got me up at 5:15 this morning, and instead of groaning, I thought of your words about the early morning peace and actually enjoyed the morning! I also got a lot done. Thanks

  5. One legged deer? :-)

  6. Loved the simplicity of the rabbit in the window...
    The tracks? No clue...
    Living in the country? Puts us a little closer to Heaven I think..

  7. My friend who is an avid outdoorsman thinks it is a rabbit. Think about how when they jump they put all their paws together.

  8. Wild canids (like foxes) are four legged mammals whose gaits are highly efficient and often look as if they are a single line. The only domesticated canid with a similar gate would be the Border Collie -- but even they don't have the same single-file foot print of foxes, coyotes and foxes.

    I would guess that's the footprint of a predatory canine -- very like mr. fox...


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