Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh wow. I can't even explain how much better I feel this January than the last one.There's a whole bag of reasons for this change. 

Last winter I was coming-off the high of buying this farm and then facing three-hundred unexpected annoyances (I've already whined about many of those). And remember that verse which says for a little while we'll be tested and then we'll be given a break (the extreme paraphrase)? Well, there was definitely some of that.

I wasn't nearly as prepared for winter as usual so that meant snowy trips to the supermarket (I hate that) and we were making large payments to pay-off a loan for home improvements so after each payday we had just pennies leftover (we had enough for true needs, but that little bit extra! Love me some extra.). 

Plus, an early winter caught us unprepared, I had that root canal infection and the blue I'd painted my kitchen and dining room looked and felt so very, very cold.

Poor, poor Debra, right?  シ

But this winter? 

I'm better organized. 
I've been granted a reprieve from the testing time, 
the loan is paid-off, 
we have savings and extra money again. 
I'm better stocked-up for winter 
and my new best friend, delivers food and pantry stuff right to my back porch (no shipping cost!). 
I'm not feeling the least bit overwhelmed, 
my tooth will be pulled this week 
and my rooms are painted a warm autumn gold (or wallpapered), bringing smiles to my face whenever I step into them.

So why the list of my last winter's woes? To encourage you. To let you know that if your Today is lousy, your Tomorrow just might be amazing.

Perhaps today winter (or something) is bugging you, but always, there's hope that after sometime, you'll love even what you cannot presently stand. Later you may feel and look better and everything else may appear brighter, feel lighter and altogether different.

Never lose hope! Always believe that seasons come and go-- and a better one is just around the corner.


"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." ... Romans 15:13


(Update 2019: Alas. is no longer available. These days I'm a faithful home shopper from Walmart, Target and Chewy.)



  1. so true so true so true! and isn't it remarkable how things can seem so utterly hopeless and yet...morning always breaks through. seasons seasons seasons; turn turn turn!

  2. Debra,
    I am so glad thinks are better for you, they are for me too!
    I have to keep reminding myself,when bad things happen,that "this too will pass"

  3. Yeaaaaaaaa, a lovely Winter photo, in your Header. :-)

    Thank you for the alice link.

    Also yeaaaaa, the tooth comes out this week. And your wall colors are warm and inviting. And loan is paid and etc.


    Gentle hugs,
    Aunt Amelia

  4. Thanks for this, Debra. I needed it.

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I checked out but can't find any food products there - is it just me? All I could find were paper goods, cleaning products and baby foods. Maybe it's just a regional thing - or maybe I am not clicking the right place? This would be fun if it were an online food store!

  6. Well I hope so...last year was the beginnings of this never ending illness. This year BETTER improve. I too love ALICE.

  7. Thanks, Everyone! I really appreciate each of your comments.

    Oh, and Anonymous--I addressed your comment about the food choices at at the bottom of my post. Thanks for asking--other people probably had the same question. Blessings, Debra

  8. Debra,

    I'm so glad this winter is so much better. And I needed the encouragement this winter. :)


  9. Beautiful post, Debra! I rejoice with you!! ;-)

  10. love the new header picture!

  11. I love the black and white picture of the farm--and thank you for the kind note--
    blogger is being silly tonight so I will update later-
    aw- the tooth- gone is good--LOL
    and yes, winter is sometimes more blue than white but through it all --God is good
    hugs from Meme


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