Friday, January 08, 2010


Oh, how I love my 'new' stairs. 

Each time I make my way up, those roses and stems remind me that--someday--Spring will return. Someday out the back door I'll step and feel 10-years-old and ready for a new adventure amongst my gardens and meadows. All the deep snow will be melted and flowers and trees, instead, will bloom and leaf and waft their heady scents.

But sometimes, like now in early winter, I must make my own Spring.

Stenciling those simple flowers on our stairs made me realize something so clearly. Namely, I don't want the best house on the block, no, but I'd like to have the most inspiring one. 

I'd love my house to inspire our visitors to return to their own homes and create some Springtime for themselves. To paint a couple walls in bold colors or stencil above the kitchen cabinets or rearrange the living room in a new way. Or to make a valance out of vintage fabric, drape shiny white pearls over the chandelier or just clean that messy spare room once and for all.

A home which inspires--that's what I wish to create. 

Not one that boasts, intimidates or looks down on those entering its doors. No, just a simple place where ideas run rampant and there's way more splash than cash and everyone who steps out the backdoor leaves with new dreams swirling inside their heads the way they once did when they were ten.


Thanks so much for all your compliments about my stairs! And for those of you who were inspired to stencil your own stairways, thank-you for telling me, for as this post stated, I love inspiring others to create. I hope you know how much I'd enjoy seeing photos of your own stenciled steps!


Hebrews 10:24
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.



  1. you have a gift for making a home cozy .. and i just love what you have done with the stairs - unique and so Debra!

    plus it breaks up the winter ... :o) ... good for you! i think you've done a fab job!

  2. I think you have hit on what we should strive for in life, to be inspiring - in any fashion, be it decorating, giving, loving, teaching...what every our heart tells us to do.

  3. I echo Pat

    the stairs look great


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