Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Would y'all mind if I took a break from blogging?

I was out in my wild-beyond-words garden, sniffing the amazing country air and the thought of not blogging for awhile just sounded like the best idea on Earth. I've learned to recognize that feeling--and respect it.

Mostly? Mostly I just need to get back to who I am apart from blogging. I'd always been a very private person till God led me (with a tiny shove) to blogging, and well, I just need to remember who pre-blogger Debra is. I think I've forgotten, what with this whole life-changing move to a farm and all that.

I don't know how long this vacation will last, probably not long, but well, I sorely need a break. I hope you understand.

Feel free to check-out my archives. Good gracious, there are over 1,600 posts there. Even I can't believe that.

Take care and I'll talk with you soon. And I do thank each of you who has ever left me an encouraging comment-- I read and appreciate each one.



  1. Dolores3:43 PM

    Enjoy your break from blogging. I will miss you but completely understand.

  2. Oh Debra, I understand, in fact I've been feeling that way quite a bit myself lately.
    Take time off, enjoy it, and I'll be here when you return!

  3. Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog. And I can totally understand you needing a break. I am sure you will come back with all sorts of cool stuff to share wtih us.
    Enjoy your break!
    Lisa in Texas :o)

  4. Debra,I understand completely,I have had to take some breaks from things myself.You will be missed so don't stay away too long ...okay?

  5. Enjoy your break... it's a beautiful world out there. :)

  6. By all means; I completely understand! You've had a staycation, time for a blogcation. Have a lovely break and we'll see you soon!

  7. Have a great break and we'll see ya soon! I romped in my grapes tonight! Awww nature

  8. I understand having taken several breaks myself. Enjoy your life!

  9. If it's not bringing you enjoyment then let it go for a while.

    Take some time to discover your original love of blogging and come back when you can't stand to be away from it anymore.

    I hope you're back soon but even more I hope that you'll take as long as you need.

  10. Enjoy! I need to take a break from reading blogs!

  11. just stopped by to say hello
    Be Blessed

  12. I've been going through the same sort of thing Debra....but don't stay away too long - your words always inspre me!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.