Thursday, October 08, 2009

Really, I'm Not Back...

...I'm just posting pictures. :) Here's our one big project of the year--we had concrete poured around the barn and inside the new garage.

And here's my favorite part--our patio! Our first one ever, I believe, so I almost feel like Granny Clampett who had a 'concrete pond' but instead, we have a concrete patio. heh...

Our house today, the most perfect autumnal kind of day you can imagine. (Oh, and the pumpkins are from my garden, first time I'd grown pumpkins in probably 20 years. I'm hoping to use some for pie.)


  1. Welcome (not) Back! Your place looks so beautiful. I want to raise pumpkins next year. Your title cracked me up and then your Granny Clampett line made me laugh again. hehe

  2. Sounds like life has finally calmed down for you. How beautiful is the barn and garage. I know what you mean about concrete, a glorious patio to put furniture on and pots of flowers and whatever you want. Let's face it decorating out side can be a whole lot funner. To bad winter is on it's way but to enjoy the fall now is premo. Have fun and keep the pics coming, but continue that break cause theirs no better way to clear your head then Autumn. Have a peaceful time!

  3. Mmm, pumpkin pie and pumpkin seeds!! Love baking pumpkin seeds. :)

    I love your barn/garage/patio. And the pic of your house. It makes me happy to see such loveliness.

  4. I love the pictures! Enjoy your new patio!

  5. The concrete looks good, and good not to see you "back" :)

  6. Debra, enjoy yourself and your new pavement! LOL We will miss you and will look forward to your "Not Back" posts until you are ready to brighten our days frequently again. No pressure, honestly! :-)


  7. i've been taking a break too ... sometimes those inner batteries need to be re-charged ... and we need to just be ...

    blessings on ya!


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