Thursday, January 08, 2009

Mostly? We bought this house because the nearly 4 acres and the barn were what we'd dreamed of for, like, always. But the house itself, well, was ok, not great, not bad, and we saw it through eyes which imagined what it could become. The land we saw as it already was and we liked it just fine.

The more I do to this house, the better I like it.

Oh, and remember my near-death experience while crawling through that nighttime blizzard at 0 degree temps just to reset the septic system button? (And how I was just about ready to throw a stick of dynamite down the well out there?). Well, oh happy day in the morning.... the alarm has not sounded even once since Christmas Day!

See, that was when Tom and our daughter's boyfriend, Carl, ran a long extension cord from the outlet beside the septic system to the back wall of our house--and though I don't quite understand how it changed the whole dynamic--all I do know is that for two whole weeks we've had peace. Blessed peace. No alarm blaring and no more life-risking trips out to a tiny reset button through ice-pelting winds and utter darkness.

And thus you have one more reason I'm liking this house much better. That and my new green kitchen... and the new pretty windows with actual views outside of them (a huge deal when you've had no view for 14 years--or more)... my tiny blue library at the top of the stairs for my books... our cozy white and blue guest room... and promises of more changes to come. In Time.

The best stuff and ideas and happenings in Life will always require time and waiting and working. Someday I'm actually going to accept that. I feel it.


"He makes all things beautiful in His time..."


Thanks for your comments about my green kitchen both here and in your emails. I appreciate each note!

1 comment:

  1. I just love what you wrote about your house - it's now your home!! It has become a part of you and that is so special.



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