Thursday, January 08, 2009

If Your Joy Switch Is Broken

Here's my own personal "Reasons My Joy May Be Gone" List which I pull out occasionally. The short version, that is.

My joy may be gone because--

I might be trying to control my world, albeit covertly (the fast way to ruin a good day--or a whole good life, even).

I might be eating all wrong.

I might be holding a grudge and not forgiving freely (as I've been forgiven, myself).

I might be gossiping (calling it 'expressing my opinion') about what someone else did, even though I've never been in their situation. And even if I have, I've still never been them nor understood God's specific plan for their life.

I might be watching too much tv.

I might have been avoiding quiet time with God, which pretty much sets everything else off-balance.

I might have returned to a selfish lifestyle without realizing it. I might be treating the people in my life badly.

I might be holding onto something which God told me (over and over) to release. I might be resisting change. I might be worrying about something.

I might be making excuses for my bad behavior. I might be trying to live a godly life with my own strength/ideas/efforts, not with Grace.

I might have fallen off the exercise wagon. I might not be sleeping enough.

I might be racing around fighting to get, get, get rather than quietly receiving what God longs to give to me.

I might be longing for something or someone more than I long to know God better--

--joy stealers, joy blockers, each one.


"The joy of the Lord is my strength..."


Eeks! Grammy in my comment box said she hoped I'll get my joy back-- so I'd better clarify here that I'm fine--really! This is just a checklist which I use when I lose my joy, but at the moment, I've still got it. Honest.  ツ



  1. A very good reminder, Debra... :)

  2. Hi, I was blog hoppin and found you. Had fun reading about the crazy freezing snow adventure you had. Hope that alarm thing is all taken care of now. That little table in your kitchen ( I think was from the fifties) is like the one we had when I was growing up. My mom did not use the drawer for silver ware, but I had a secret use for it. I went through a stage where I hated to swallow meat. I think it is because i choked at a restaurant once on a piece of meat. Anyway I would chew it forever, but could not bring myself to swallow it. When mom wasn't looking I would slip it into the little drawer. I can't remember if I later got rid of it or, yikes...just left it there till it was discovered. Hope you get your joy back. That list was a good reminder.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I find that my days go array when I have missed my morning prayer and devotion.
    Definitely a joy stealer!


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