Thursday, August 07, 2008

We went to more yard sales today and see what I found! A whole stack of plates from England. And for only $2.

I've forgotten to tell you that nowhere--nowhere!--around here can I find my binders with hundreds of magazine photos which I use to inspire me to decorate.

I keep lecturing myself not to let this frustrate me.

I mean, every tiny piece of everything else is accounted for, but not my beloved notebooks which I've spent years accumulating. Nooooo! I've opened every single box except the ones in Tom's two packed-like-puzzles closets and if my binders are in there.... oh dear.... they are lost forever.

ANYWAY, today I also bought four decorating magazines for one dollar total and they have inspired me. I came home and painted a mirror and a new shelf I bought and soon I'll be shoving around furniture.

Trust me, I needed inspiration--I'd begun bogging down in the creativity department of my head. I'd never before realized how much I rely upon magazine photos of rooms to spark new ideas. And lately? Lately I've begun to doubt that I have any original decorating ideas of my own. Well, I have a few, but the best ones seem to come only after I browse through magazines. Hence my frustration at losing all those hundreds of pages I'd slipped into clear plastic sleeves all these years.

This is just a test...this is just a test... this is just a test...

Take my advice... Never move twice within 6 months... :)


  1. I love those dishes! Are they black and white? It's kind of hard to tell if they're green or black.
    I do the same with decorating clippings, and when I see something inspiring I always ask myself "why didn't I think of that"! Hope you find your binders, or you may be forced to start all over again!

  2. Sorry you lost your binders, or maybe I should say miss placed them.

    Those plates are lovely and only $2. What a bargin.

  3. Oh, Debra.

    I cannot settle on what style I want either.

    But, if I live much longer, I will have tried them all!

  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Hi Debra:

    Your house is turning out AWESOME. Love, love, love the vintage valance. I will post a pic of a trash picked vintage mirror soon. Gotta love college kids and what they throw away

    Anne in Portsmouth, VA

  5. I lovvvvvvvvveeee the green plates. When my grandmother died I was given her Blue Willow plates. I didn't use them for a while, not wanting to break any...then I just decided they were to be used and enjoyed. I love the feel of old plates and mugs and they just don't make bowls like that any more!


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