Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Still here down on the farm!

You can tell when Tom takes time off from his job. How? By my absence from this blog. The guy is so distracting and he hogs the computer a lot, too. シ

We're accomplishing things on this two-week working vacation. 

In fact, Grace led me upstairs to the brown, cave-like walls of the guest room and I painted two of those walls, white. I keep my clothes in that room's closet and I'd begun dreading dressing up there inside dust-covered darkness. 

Gee, it's hot working up there. It's taking longer than I thought (doesn't it always?) but Grace keeps me painting when I'd otherwise quit if I was working alone.

What a difference some paint makes! 

And in the past, I've been known to (secretly) criticize people for resorting to white walls. "Fraidy-cats of color," I'd say. But lately I've admired gorgeous white rooms in magazines, and well, white just seems to fit up in our guest room. Just one more lesson to watch what I say and to remember I'm still changing. 

Never say never, (and all that) and don't unknowingly make myself a liar or hypocrite.

Our county fair starts tomorrow! Years past during our visits to the fair I've caught myself, well, mostly yearning. Through the goat, chicken, bunny and garden exhibits I'd dream and yearn for the whole Country Living Thing.

But this year? Oh, I will feel a downright kinship. Accepted. Part of all those country folk and extremely grateful, indeed.


The first photo and this one, above, are from the back of our lot. Does anyone know what these are called? The flowers are actually a more intense shade in-person. At first, they were a bright pink.

And for the final time this year, the hydrangea bush. ツ


I appreciate your congratulatory comments and emails so much! They make me want to continue another four years.



  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    It's staghorn sumac. This is not the poisonous variety of sumac, so no worries.

  2. This is an "Off Topic Comment" but...I seem to have lost my knack for posting/commenting in 'Blog Land,' for a while. All I do lately, is put up a few photos, here and there. I didn't plan on it... It just happened.

    And since I don't want anyone to think I got *uppity* or anything, :-) I'm leaving this comment, to explain my absence.

    I'm sure to be back in not too long. Can't keep a "Chatty Person" quiet, for too long. :-)

    Miss Mari-Nanci

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    It is a sumac Debra and the foliage will turn brilliant in fall.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.