Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Blogiversary to Me

Four whole years of blogging as of today! Who would have thought?


This morning, Tom and I drove to one of our area's amazing estate sales, the type where you feel you're stepping through history, rather than a family's home. 

It must have been 140 years old, filled with simple (inexpensive) furnishings and there was even a huge original oak ice box on the back porch, 50-year-old wallpaper in the living room and ancient farm tools in the decrepit red barn.

Happy sigh. Would have been perfect if we'd been allowed to wander around upstairs. Oh well.

Anyway, I found the above sign there (click to enlarge) for just $1. Couldn't pass it up, of course, for it says, "Welcome to Our Country Home."

From one country home to another--I have so many pieces of lives and families here inside my own walls. There's just something cozy, redemptive and unifying about that. I'm carrying on traditions, of sorts, for those women, homemakers mostly, who have gone on ahead.



  1. Happy Blogiversary! You look mar-volll-lous dahling

  2. Well, Happy B-Versary Day :)

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Well done on reaching such a milestone. Most blogs don't last for four months and you've been writing great posts for four years.


  4. Happy Anniversary.

  5. Happy Blogaversary! I found you only a short while ago and I've enjoyed reading about your life on this new adventure. I love old houses, so much character to them. Only if those walls could talk.
    Patty H.

  6. So glad you are here.

    Or, there.

    Oh, you know what I mean!

  7. Happy Blogiversary!!
    I so love visiting your blog, so please keep writing. ~~smiles~~ Katie

  8. Happy Blogiversary!!!! Sorry... I have been reading and running and not leaving comments of late! But still wanted to say... Happy Blogiversary!!!!

  9. yay for anniversary's ... 4 years too ... i celebrate mine in october ... and i think i've been reading your blog for about that long!

    blessings on you - the Lord has used your blog to uplift my spirits many a time!

  10. Happy way-belated anniversary. and your place looks lovely - how fun for you!


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