Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm back in the land of the living!

The cable guy just drove away and I feel like--now--I've moved all of you, my blogging friends, out to our old farmhouse. It's not lonely out here, but rather, just incomplete without each of your faces and smiles.

And oh my goodness. From Day One we've felt like two kids who have come home.

Everything feels like play. I drag large pine branches (which Tom cut down) out to the woods beside our meadow and it feels like an adventure. I bring back sticks from out there to use as kindling, branches which have fallen from the young meadow trees, and I feel nine years old. (Out in the meadow I've gazed into the sky and whispered "thank-you" one-hundred times.) It's like playing in the dirt in my garden and standing by my work bench in the barn is like giddiness.

Playing. A working vacation. Life in the country. Always something to do--always a pleasant task to choose and me we always view the work to be done as a joy.

There are un-fun things, also, of course. Our windows are not fun. We knew they were bad, but not dreadful. They fall down and must be propped up with sticks and it's all I can do to lift the large ones.Oh well, already Tom got two estimates for replacing them.

We remind each other "inch by inch, anything's a cinch" lest we remain cranky, trying to shape this place up in two weeks. 

But this will require years and what matters most is that we enjoy the journey.


Thanks for your many comments to my last post! I loved opening my computer after so long and finding you waiting for me.

Oh! Remember the dairy which delivers milk in glass bottles? Well, on Monday they pulled into our neighbors' driveway and you should have seen me sprint across the street to speak to the driver in the old-fashioned red and white truck. He gave me a price list (very reasonable) and he'll deliver to us next Monday!



  1. Yeaaaa for the visit of the cable guy!!! :-)

    And you certainly sound as if you are in the place, you should be in. :-)

    I hope your skies are clear, so that you can go out and look at the moon tonight. Your first Full Moon in your farm house. :-)

    Happy Full June Strawberry Moon to you, tonight!

    Smilnsigh blog

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Wow...milk delivered to your door, happy days are here again!

    I remember when I was a kid and we had milk and cottage cheese delivered. I sure would love some of that cottage cheese right now.

    Is that the view to your house in the photo you posted?

  3. Oh, look! It's you! :) Yay for Internet!

    Inch by inch, yeah, I needed that reminder tonight. Thanks... (hugs)

  4. YAY! the move is done! and we're all there too ... smiling along with you ... and praising our Heavenly Father who keeps life so very interesting!

    may you both be blessed ...

    big ((Hugs))

  5. Wow! This sounds so like a little paradise for the two of you. I'm so happy that you were led to find it, the place in all the world for you and Tom!

  6. The adventures never end with life in the country. I heard coyotes howling last night. What a serenade!


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