Sunday, April 13, 2008

There is such grace on this whole farmhouse thing.

We met with the inspector yesterday (and the current owner) and at the end of the inspection he said it was a good, solid house, one which would be standing long after all of us were gone. Oh, there were tiny problems here and there, but overall Our House (as we've begun calling it) passed all its important tests. Whew.

After those two hours, Tom and I drove around our tiny new town then stopped for lunch at the niftiest place called ____ 's Malt Shoppe. Oh my goodness. Inside an old 1800's building, the wooden floors were ancient, the decor was in red and white and 1950's music played the whole time. Could this farming town in the middle of nowhere be more perfect? I don't think so.

Your eyes would pop at the many 1800's farm houses scattered all around the quiet farmland surrounding the town. Gorgeous, huge places standing alone or within groves of trees. I'm beyond grateful that we missed this corner of the countryside these 15 years during our drives--the discovery of it all feels so new, fresh and unexplored--

--and as though we have years of adventures before us. In fact, if I choose to write my autobiography, this portion of the book would be titled, The Middle Years. The Country Years.

Has a pleasant ring to it, I think.

Tom and I will not only be living in a different house, but living a whole other way. We want to become more self-sufficient--the huge garden space appears ready to be seeded (the owner said it does so well, and the loam is so deep and rockless, that she has a hard time keeping-up). And I'm hoping to freeze and can what I grow. We may get a dog, we're considering a couple goats. We want to accommodate guests easily and --

Oh my! This life change can't come soon enough and I do hope June will arrive faster this year than she ever has before.



  1. Sounds as if you've found your Mount Airy, right in NYS!!! How perfect is that? :-)

    With moving "to your farm," I wonder if you'd be interested in this link...

    And ever see Nature's Wisdom? This is a blog link, but... Not to worry, Sarah does not really 'blog.' Although I wish she did. It's more just a place where she puts her quarterly newsletter. But they do live in the country, so....

    And this one, Wanda at 'Simple Living,' really does live in the real Mount Airy, NC. I'd not have passed this last link on to you, when you were still dreaming of the real Mount Airy. But now that you've found your 'own,' I send it to you. :-)


  2. Can I move to your new town?

  3. I'm so excited for you (and for us). Looking forward to reading about your new life.

  4. I am SOOOO happy for you!

  5. I can't wait to take the next step in this journey with you as you write about the up coming move. You're at a perfect age to really embrace every part of this blessing. God's timing is always the best!

  6. All of your waiting, and needing change in your life has come to a glorious fruition! Congratulations, you are about to embark on a marvelous journey.

  7. How wonderful for you! It sounds so beautiful!


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