Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hooray! Tom is home from his Dallas trip. And although we've been married nearly thirty years, when he walked toward me at the airport my heart did a flip.

And guess where we get to go this morning? Out to the (hopefully) soon-to-be-ours farmhouse. I can't wait! Before the inspector arrives, we'll cruise the tiny town to see if we missed anything, like perhaps, a real supermarket. heh. All we've so far seen is an old, small general store type of thing which was incredibly old-fashioned inside, but had limited groceries. But hey--if that's all this middle-of-nowhere country town has, then I will deal with it and be thankful. (And become more organized with my trips to town.)

Oh, and this week I looked-up that town's online library catalog and --get this-- they had no Miss Read books! And guess who gave away half of her Miss Read collection when she moved because she assumed Miss Read would grace any library on Earth?

Debra, never assume anything. Sheesh.

Oh well, I'm not going to complain. Why? Because complainers get on my nerves. They make me insane--their caustic, hopeless attitudes make me want to race away. And so, of course, I cannot run from myself--I would still find myself wherever I went.  ツ

My favorite people are those who could legitimately complain about their hardships, but they choose not to. They find solutions and ways around their problems, instead. They create new, amazing ways to live and be and do. And they move ahead--in gladness.

And well, of course, I could request Miss Read books through the inter-library loan system--and I probably will. But I'm also considering buying some of the books for the tiny library in our new town so that others can discover Fairacre and Thrush Green. To me, that sounds more constructive, more inspired, than just complaining about the present lack.

Of course, I'll probably have to purchase the books in large type. These poor old eyes just aren't what they once were. But rather than complain about it, I'll just grab my cheapo reading glasses from Dollar Tree, attach them to my face--and be happy.



  1. Oh, if you get stuck, send me an email and I will package up some Miss Reads for the cause!

    Presently, I'm reading "Mrs. Appleyard and I" by Louise Andrew Kent, and loving every minute of it.

    I hope the inspection goes well!

  2. I must confess I don't know Miss Read...I fear I've missed something again...

  3. I hope it went well and I look forward to reading about the results. I'm sure they are not too bad.

  4. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Miss Read (Dora Saint) celebrated her 95th birthday on April 17 and is doing well tho her sight has failed.


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