Saturday, April 05, 2008

Eeks! Absent from Blogland again. Good ol' Debra, instead, has been flaking off and well, drum roll........... she's been buying a farmhouse!

Yes, Tom and I have decided to 'go for it.' 

To seek to buy the farmhouse I told you about, and the owners have accepted our offer. I don't know if it's kosher to say for how much, but since it's my blog I'll tell you-- the settled price is $84,500. For a house, a barn, fruit trees, a garden and 3.8 beautiful country acres. What a blessing from God to find this--and that's why I'm sharing it with you.

We contacted our real estate agent, Cher, who sold our last house for us. It would be impossible for there to be a more reliable, trustworthy agent on Earth. (I mentioned similar words to her while Tom and I signed piles of papers and by the emotion in her voice, I saw she felt blessed. I love touching people with sincere words.) 

Our offer is contingent upon the results of the inspection so we won't know for absolute certain about all this for ten days, or so. But everything looks and feels, well, amazing.

In fact, within my head, I'm already living inside that farmhouse. I've painted every wall soft Easter shades of blue or green and nearly all the furniture and knick-knacks are variances of white. I take my walks outside and see countryside, not suburbs.
(Insert Twilight Zone music here.)

Anyway, so now you know what I've been up to. That, and making all sorts of lists with Tom about stuff we'll need to buy or do before this next winter--rather complicated, it appears, to live a simple country life! And I remind him (the family worry-wart) that if this truly is God's idea, then He will work out all the myriad details. All that remains is for us to cooperate with Him each slow step--and not to run ahead in impatience or cower in corners of worry.

And may I remember that in the days ahead, as well.


I loved all your comments to my last post, appreciated your own stories so much!



  1. Debra, I'll be praying for you!!! It sounds fantastic! A dream come true!!! And, I'd be pretending to be Laura Ingalls Wilder too!

  2. How awesome!
    I look forward to pictures as the process unfolds.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Congrats on making the decision...that's always half the battle!! Good luck and God will lead the rest of the way if you let him.


  4. -smile- I had a feeling this was in the works.

    You need it. Your spirit needs it. Your planning-personality needs it. It's wonderful that you are going for it!


  5. It is my first time on your blog and got excited for you because soon I will be looking for a home in the country myself. I love your blog and the way you decorate your home. You will be very happy there.


  6. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Woo Woo!
    I am beside myself with so much rejoicing and excitement for you, Debra !

    Indeed. What a blessing. It made my day!

    "...that was a blessing from God to find--and that's why I'm sharing it with you--to give God the credit."
    Love that. Thanks. Shauna

  7. I am so excited for you. I just saw this entry this afternoon (Sat.) and had to laugh, because DH and I were at Sam's this morning, and they had a wonderful, red, Honda (motor) riding mower for about $1,600.00, which is about a thousand less than we paid for our John Deere, a couple years ago. I actually thought of you! Now, you will be riding around on a mower, this summer, if it is meant to be!
    Keeping my fingers crossed that the inspection goes well. What fun you will have making this little farm "your own".

  8. Anonymous12:01 PM

    OOOh I am thrilled for you both,

    Hope inspection comes up good ie opens doors or closes doors for you.

    I love our lifestyle of a 100 plus year old home, land. garden & animals. It truely is good life!

    Fingers crossed for you.

    Love Leanne

  9. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Debra...I'm soooo excited for you...and tempted to be jealous too :)
    seriously....can't wait till you're in and sharing about your life there!

  10. congratulations!!! wow!

    i was in finland, so had to go back and read all the stuff you had been doing the last few weeks ... :) cool!

  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    All the best to you and Tom, Debra. I'll be waiting to visit you too.


  12. Congratulations! It looks like such a wonderful place. Enjoy making it yours!!!!!

  13. Anonymous10:35 PM looks just darling and with lots of possibilities!! Hope all will go as planned!!

  14. I hope this comes to fruition for ya'll! DH & I hope to make a move within a few years to a spot with more land...and some fruit trees...or at least some nut trees, LOL!

    Good luck :)

  15. Anonymous8:37 AM

    WOW! Congratulations! What a great price. It's amazing how geography works. A house with a barn and land like that here in Jersey would easily be close to $1,000,000! Keep us posted.



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