Sunday, March 30, 2008

A couple of you have reminded me of something I've not mentioned here. Namely-- the amount of energy I have should be illegal.

No, really. Especially now since I have almost no place to channel that energy. Man, I so need something beyond me to throw myself into, something like that farmhouse I mentioned. 

In fact, Woman's World Magazine says I have ADD. You know, Attention Deficit Disorder. Now there's good news. heh.

Well, they didn't exactly tell me I have ADD, but after reading their symptom list? I'm thinkin' I do:

Eagerness to start a task, but difficulty finishing it.
Feeling disorganized.
Trouble concentrating on mundane activities.
Difficulty sticking to a schedule.
Interrupting conversations.
Acting impulsively (well, not this one so much, but all the others).
Trouble sitting still.
Getting easily distracted.
Procrastinating. ( Me Big-Time!)

My, my, my. Who'd have thunk it? You know, that good ol' Debra has ADD.  ツ

But I appreciated that the article stated people with ADD need more stimulation. You know, like listening to music while they read or concentrate. Or fidgeting in their chair, doodling, chewing gum while doing other things. And how they procrastinate because they require made-up pressure to get things done. And wow, is that ever me! 

Often I create goals/deadlines when in reality, there's no true need in my own relaxed homemaker world. But I do put a little pressure on myself because I, personally, respond best to it. 

I get things accomplished when I have a (reasonable) list and hold myself responsible to complete that list.

Anyway, I'm only 49 and not nearly ready for a rocking chair. I've still got a few good years left and trust me, this ol' girl needs specific challenges, lest she start bouncing off the couch every five minutes in search of something to do.

Oh wait-- she already does that.  ツ

So lately? I'm thinking a tiny farm just may be the ticket I need out of this current mediocrity and into something in which to pour myself out.


Disclaimer--In this post, I am only making fun of myself, not anyone else. I hope you read this with a sense of humor.



  1. We know ourselves, better than anyone else can know us. We need to follow our own 'gut feelings/instincts.' That is the way to find our own bliss.

    Not anyone else's bliss. Our own bliss.

    Even if anyone else can't see it as our bliss. If we know it is, that's enough. Our bliss. Our bliss. Our bliss.

    Magnifique Voyage, in and with your coming plans!!!


  2. I often tell my classes that I have ADD. I knew all the way through my life that I had the behaviors that you listed. I can get a job done in half the time as anyone else I know. I also tell them that I work to play.

    The important thing is to know how to laugh at yourself and how to take the energy and channel it positively.

  3. I once read the list of ADD "symptoms" and I think everyone on earth can qualify!
    Love the little farm. The price is unbelievable! I would buy it in a heartbeat!

  4. what a great looking home it will be.
    You know that makes almost everyone add.
    Happy spring

  5. oh the description sounds like me. I chose to think of it as running on "full" !


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