Friday, February 22, 2008

Kinda-Sorta Back

I'm back! Well mostly. Good ol' Tom 'caved' and signed up for DSL here at our Grace Place. He got a terrific deal and his boss is even chipping in five dollars per month since Tom often must bring his work home. Plus, his company has given him their own laptop computer, so hey! 

Part of me was enjoying being computer-free. Much. No more addiction, no having to check-in all the time to Computer Land in case I'd miss important things. No more looking-up every tiny curiosity inside my head and--

But there's a best of both worlds thing here with this new DSL thing. Tom will have this laptop with him at the plant 40 hours a week so I'll still be mostly computer-free except on the weekends. Sounds sane and good to me, at least in this current season.

Anyway. Remember when I dreamed about moving to Mt. Airy, NC? You know, the place very much like Andy Griffith's Mayberry? Well, yesterday some photos arrived from my friend, Wilma, who visited Mayber--, er, Mt. Airy last week on vacation with her husband.

The photos made me insane.

Oh, I immediately wanted to pack up and move there this weekend! The town was everything I'd imagined--old-fashioned, cozy and fun. But what made me bonkers and brought tears to my eyes? The trees in Mt. Airy have green leaves on them. In February! 

Oh my goodness. Here in Buffalo? I'm living in the North Pole (well...) with white (and brown) snow, ice and gloomy grey skies and grey, bare trees and where it's a great day if I can make it back from the convenience store without getting all frozen-faced.

Sigh. Tom and I have gotta get out of here. I still love this tiny cottage, yes, but the world outside its windows makes me nuts.

Oh well. I guess this all proves I'm not sticking close enough to Grace, not listening and not receiving what she has to give. Too often we struggle to get what God would hand us if only we'd receive it

So today will be another Receiving Day, one where I stop complaining and instead, receive His joy, strength and contentment. How much more marvelous is that than anything I try whipping up, myself.



  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Dear Debra,
    Don't feel bad some of us in the good old state of NC (the eastern half anyway) wouldn't mind a little of that North Pole stuff...what's it called? Oh yes, snow. *smile*

    Outside right now the birds are crowding around at the buffet bar, the sky is grey gloomy and has opened wide and dumping lots of "already melted" snow. If the temp would drop just a wee bit more we might just see some white stuff. Here's hoping. *smile*

    Have a Great Day,

  2. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Dear Debra,
    Your thoughts this morning made me think of the part in the Disney Cinderella movie where Cinderella is talking to Bruno the dog after he has been dreaming about catching Lucifer the cat and Cinderella tells him "just learn to like cats." Then she says there must be something good about the cat but then she herself can't think of anything good about the cat.

    I had a sudden thought as I read your blog about "just learn to like snow". Sometimes I feel like that about rain, since I live in Washington state. Sometimes the gray days seem like they will never go away, but when the fog rolls in I love it although not everyone else does.

    Congratulations on getting DSL. I love it when you write. By the way we are waiting for little tiny green leaves here too.


  3. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Good to know that you're back in cyberspace. Sounds like you should move to Perth. It never snows and a cold winter's morning is when it drops to 1 or 2 degrees Celcius. (About 35 degrees Fahrenheit.)

  4. Yessss, you got DSL! 'Tis so much nicer to have the _option_ of going on the Net. Than to not have the _option_. Yes, I emphasize option. 'Cause it can always remain so. All it takes is our determination. :-)

    And glad to hear that Wilma/Bob made a trip to Mt. Airy. Those two are so lucky, to still be able to take trips!!! That is something, which is way in our past.

    But, no need of crying over spilt milk. We have nice memories, of trips once taken.

    I just hope that those who can still do this {take trips}, are fully appreciative of how lucky they are. :-)


  5. There's a struggle to find the niche, the balance: to be ready to move on at His leading but to be content in the presence of His present. Not always an easy place to be.


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