Monday, February 25, 2008

I live in four rooms. Well, there's a laundry closet, too, so technically that may mean four-and-a-half. But either way, this is one tiny place.

And yet, you know? Most days this apartment feels like oodles of enough space for Tom and me. When he's in the living room watching tv or he's on the computer (or both. A mirror hangs over the computer table so he can view the tv in its reflection. Silly, I know.), well, I can sit out at my spiffy desk in the dining room and pretend I have a whole office. 

Or I can watch the small tv in our bedroom while sitting in bed, gazing at magazines or playing with our cats (who believe this room, actually, belongs to them). Or I can even carry the tv into the kitchen and cook for hours while enjoying the company of favorite tv people. Or I could also exercise in the dining room (or the bedroom in between our beds) or take a long bubble bath in the bathroom.

And when Tom's not home, well, wow! Then I get the whole living room to myself. I can even sit in front of the windows and soak-up the sun, reading while drinking coffee or just loll upon the couch and watch our new flat screen tv, the only tv which picks up our basic (basic!) cable channels.

So, wow! Lately I've wondered just how much room does a person truly need, anyway?

Probably as much as my head tells me, which means, I can be contented anywhere, even in a small space, if my head is determined to be contented. Disciplined.

I am not helpless, after all, and I can be contented anywhere, as long as God stands beside me with all that He is.


If my world feels tiny that's only a reflection of my current imagination.



  1. Hi Debra, I do enjoy reading your blog. I feel soothed, comforted and inspired by what you say...I don't know if I'll ever get out of my too big house, but I can dream too....(I'll stay as long as Andy is in school, at least.) You and Tom were lucky (blessed) to have been able to sell your house when you did! And I think you are doing wonderfully well in your dollhouse. I dream of something much smaller and all on one floor!

  2. This reminded me of my favorite Psalm: 139. I used to chaffe at the thought of being "hemmed" in. His "hand upon me" felt heavy because I was seeing where I thought I wanted/needed to be instead of feeling protected and held--even cuddled. Your time right now is a "held" time...and it sounds so serene.

  3. Grey, do you mean silver and pewter skies, sparkling like precious metals. The golden sun sending out rays of liquid gold that puddles in spots on the snow or on the windows.
    Debra you are great in your views and hopes. You inspire those of us that are lucky enough to have found your blog.
    Please change the picture on this post. For the most part it is good but I really do not like that big dark cloud that appears right above the lady’s head. It's kinda scary.

    Have a super day in what ever room you are in.


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