Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I called my mom today.

You know how some people, when they lose their spouse, will hide away in their house, turn down offers of help and just cry alone for weeks? (Like maybe something I would do?)

Well, my mom has so not been like that. Not at all. People from her church drop by to offer her rides for errands and she accepts. They ask her to their homes for dinner and she goes, gladly, and when they call she answers her phone and chats.

Now, if anyone has a right to be devastated, it's my mom. She was married at 16 and she and my dad were always together. My dad usually had a church office to drive to, but if my mom ever needed anything, he was mostly available. Last week we tried numbering the times they were apart (not counting the hospital times when we kids were born) and I think we came up with just two times. In 52 years! 

Also, my mom never got her driver's licence, she's on the quiet side and always relied on my dad.

And now, guess what? (I forgot to tell you about this.) This weekend, my mom is going to Hawaii on a honeymoon. No, not hers, Silly. My sister's! See, my sister and her husband were married last March and they'd planned this November honeymoon months ago. And well, while we all sat around the table there in California, they asked my mom if she'd go with them.

I was so glad when they asked, and even gladder when my mom accepted. I much prefer imagining her in beautiful, sunny Hawaii next week rather than in her seaside nearly-always-grey town without my sister nearby for those days. But they're all going together and even my new brother-in-law thought it a great idea (after a couple initial minutes). He said, "It hit me that now Corrine would have someone to go to the shows with. Someone who isn't me. Hooray!"

Yes, I called my mom today and she sounded great. Busy, anticipating good things and grateful for the way others are looking out for her.

God is good.



  1. That is wonderful. Really. And your family sounds so generous and loving.

  2. I am so happy your Mother is open and healing. Sounds like a very generous BIL

  3. Yes, God is good. I believe your mom at her age knows the best thing for her not to do, is isolate, even in her sadness. By the way, nice drawing. mysophia

  4. My dad just died and I am not quite sure how my mom is. I mean, I don't have a good relationship with her but know that she is doing very well, which seems strange to me. My dad suffered a long time with illness, and I think my mom always felt "held back".

  5. I hit post comment before I was ready!!

    Also, it is great that your mom is doing so well. Glad to hear that. God is good.

  6. awww, bless her heart ...

    ((hugs)) to you as well!

  7. That's really great... thank you for sharing with us about this. She can serve as an example to others. :)

    Love to you...

  8. Oh, Debra. This post is so encouraging to me right now.

    God IS good.

    You are in my prayers.

  9. that is so sweet of your sister! you've been in my thoughts lately.

  10. I think this is the first time I've visited your space...I'm very glad to have found it.
    I often wonder how I will do if I lose my husband first, as your mom has done. We've been married almost 48 years and that's a long, long time.
    I am so glad your mom is doing well.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.