Wednesday, July 04, 2007

It's A Rainy Fourth of July...

... but we are so grateful! 

I'm standing at the windows this early morning watching our much-appreciated rain and feeling heart-gratitude.

We've had no real rain since I can't remember when and most lawns in our area go crunch-crunch when you walk on them. The majority of people here never water their lawns--flowers, yes--lawns, no. 

Anyway, today is the 4th and I'll be alone since Tom is back at work, but alas! We had our celebration yesterday and those magical memories still are draped over me and will remain while I do the Suzy Homemaker thing today and everyone else has picnics at parks and in backyards, mostly under canopies, I imagine. And while I putter, believe me, I'll be thankful for our U.S. freedoms.

And this is neither here nor there, but I'm trying to collect ideas for food substitutions. You know, healthier versions of the foods which tend to make you tubby, sick or dead. Here, below, are some I've adopted--

When Tom and I get cravings for key lime pie, we instead, buy key lime pie yogurt made by Yoplait. Hits the spot every time.

Instead of using salty tomato sauce for homemade Italian or Mexican sauces, I buy canned diced tomatoes.

Rather than buy ice cream, I make my own in the little freezer Naomi gave us.

Instead of regular butter, we use salt-free butter--and have never noticed a real difference in taste. (When it comes to butter vs. margarine health-wise, we're in the butter is better--in moderation-- camp.)

Rather than add oil to cake mixes, I add applesauce (or half oil, half applesauce).

Instead of soda, I drink seltzer water with only two ingredients. No sugar, salt or nutra-sweet. (It grows on you--give it time!)  ツ

Well, you get the idea. Little changes do add up, but of course, there's still that annoying 'everything in moderation' thing which comes into play.

Have a very happy Fourth of July!


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