Saturday, April 21, 2007

It's a Bird! It's a Plane!

...It's a what-is-that-thing-anyway?

Heh. Actually, this is one of my many "seek ye first" things.

Let me explain.

Way back in '94, God began doing such a huge "seek ye first" work in my heart. He'd whisper, "Come away with me, first." He promised me if I did, He'd take care of everything else, plus, 'all these things would be added unto me,' to boot. 

So I did and He did--take care of everything else, I mean. That was during a very specific season of my life, one I fondly call, The Coming Away Season.

During those days, I began noticing the oddest happenings. One afternoon I thought, "Hmm. I don't have any room in front of our windows inside the house to start seedlings in tiny pots. I need a portable greenhouse, one I can place in the sun outside during the earliest part of Spring and then tuck it away at night." 

I had a specific picture in my mind, yet said nothing about it to anyone.

Well, guess what? Three days later I was out in the backyard and Tom drove home from curb shopping (or for photos, here) and what did he pull out of the back of the car? Yep, this odd-looking little greenhouse thing, above, something probably from an old refrigerator maybe, who knows? 

All I knew is it was perfect and just what I'd imagined. It even had adjustable air vents on each side and a convenient removable panel in the middle. I told Tom it was exactly what I'd needed. He said he wasn't even sure why he brought it home.

During that Coming Away Season? That sort of thing happened nearly each week. I even made "Presents from God" lists because it was all kinda, well, spooky. But lovely.

And I'm glad I made a list and there's a reason I took this photo this morning. I'm going to release this little greenhouse before we move. In all my ruthlessness lately, the little greenhouse didn't make the cut and now I'll pass it along to someone else. But I took the photo to remind myself of all the myriad times God surprised and blessed me. 

Besides, I can't keep everything--God doesn't mean for me to keep (horde) every present from Him. But I would so hate to forget any of them.


"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." ... Matthew 6:33

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