Thursday, October 05, 2006

When Seeds Sprout In Unexpected Places

"Do not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap." ... Galations 6:7


Sitting in my tower room this morning while watching the clouds saunter past the windows, this is what I thought:

Nearly always I only get out of a thing what I first put into it.

I belong to a few listservs and the ones I actually contribute to are the ones I enjoy the most. When I put much time, prayer and thought into my into my blog, I receive much from that.

When I leave comments at other peoples' blogs I tend to receive more comments at my own. And when I sow sweet things into peoples' lives, I reap sweetness in my own life--yet not always directly from those same people. 

No, but God sees to it that somebody, somewhere, blesses me back. That's the kind of God He is.

Yet when I become lazy, self-centered and selfish? I reap things, too--negative ones. Dull, negative things. 

I dig deep pits for myself when I try reaping big things without sowing anything first because usually I accuse others of being faulty, when actually, I, myself was the faulty one.

It becomes like reaching for an invisible apple from an invisible tree--one I never planted in the first place.

This sowing and reaping thing does work! It just doesn't always work the way I expected and planned.

Sometimes I'm reaping nothing because I sowed nothing first--and I'm not even realizing what's happening. Other times, the blessings hit me from a totally different direction than the place where I planted seeds, the place where I stood, staring, expecting plants to rise.

What I need to remember? Ultimately, God keeps track of it all. He knows what He's doing and it's Him from whom my blessings (and surprises) flow. 

And just when I think I have Him all figured out, He'll shake things up a bit just to keep me guessing--curious--and seeking Him with my whole heart.

And therefore reaping the very best things of all.


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