Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Few Pictures, A Few Thoughts

I'm having such a lovely time around my house this morning and I just had to share some of it with you. 

See this book? I think the cover is absolutely adorable. Just this past week I began turning some of my books outward on their shelves so their art is no longer hidden, squeezed between other books.

We found this little 'bed table' at a yard sale for 25 cents. The woman said her husband made it for their children long ago so they could sit on the floor and work on projects or use it in bed on sick days. What a handy little thing! I use it each day during my quiet time--there's just enough space on top for a lamp, my books and my coffee.

And don't laugh, but here is my 28 year-old ironing board, a wedding gift. I'm showing it to you because, instead of just running down to Target to buy a new cover when the old one disintegrated, I instead, used an old 1940's heavy curtain which we found on the curb.

And here is a close-up... One of my favorite things? Not always falling into the trap of automatically thinking I must buy a new, expensive thing when I need something replaced. Relying on my imagination and creativity (and yard sales,thrift shops, classified ads) is much more fun, inventive and usually cheaper.

Some books I read over and over. Here are two of them, both written by Jean Little. They are Look Through My Window and Stand In The Wind and I dearly love these --don't get me started or I will gush.

 Anyway, in Look Through My Window a delicious hint is given, one I use all the time-- sprinkle a little cinnamon on coffee grounds before you brew them. Yum.

And last, here's that little footstool I already showed you. I found a good place for it and it still makes me smile.

And now it's time to return to playing house. How sad that some (dare I say many?) people hate this game so much. But then, it can become dire and tiresome when you play it without an imagination. Pretty much anything in this Life is dreary when you leave imagination and possibility out of it.


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