Friday, September 08, 2006

The End of Vacation--The Beginning of More Fun

Tom and I have been on vacation. Well sort-of. 

Tom had eight days off and we went to, like, fifty yard sales, a flea market and thrift shops and got take-out and ate out and took drives in the country and went and saw Invincible (loved it) and stayed up late and got groceries and went to the library and the video store (where we have a membership and the whole staff is our second family and never ask for our card) and watched documentaries, movies and visited with Naomi and curb-shopped and well, you get the idea.

But now after taking days off I find myself so ready to tackle all the projects I've let pile up. 

Already today I gathered photos I've taken of our rooms the past 13 years and placed them in an album. Man, I have painted many of our walls at least four different times in four different colors. There were times I made our dining room into a living room and our living room into a dining room. And as it now stands, our sunroom is our living room, our living room is our library and our extra bedroom is our family room. 

There's no law declaring you must use your rooms as a stranger designed them or like your friends use theirs.

And well, I love all this. Especially in what feels like perfect autumn.

I'm happiest when I have a paintbrush in my hand and today I bought a gallon of black paint (mistake paint, so it was cheap) and after Tom leaves for work tonight I may start painting two of our 'hutches'--which aren't even hutches at all--just pieces of furniture (from the curb) stacked on top of each other. So there are two more projects.

There's a wooden wall clock I want to paint white, green and pink and two wooden 1950's chairs I want to paint 1950's pink and --

All these wonderful projects, I should say--wonderful only if I don't allow myself to wade into the Waters of Feeling Overwhelmed. And there's still my dollhouse to work on and our kitchen cupboards to finally (after two years) finish painting and the little guest room wall to paint green and --

If I ever finish any of these things, I'll try to post pictures. In the meantime, you'll know where I am--not far away at all. In fact, did I mention I am so very behind in the email I owe everyone?

Life is good. And like I heard on a documentary last night--an elderly woman said if she had known she was, long ago, living the good old days, she would have appreciated them more. And well, who knows? These just may be my own good old days--and I am determined not to miss them.


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