Friday, February 03, 2006

This Piece of Cake Winter...

... is quickly disappearing from our table. But oh my, it was delicious while it lasted.

Yes, here where I live, we've been having what I call, a Piece of Cake Winter. I mean usually, January is our iciest, most dangerous month. The month where you stay home and when you do get outside, everyone is bundled and huddled-over while taking baby steps across parking lots of ice. 

It's the month when we all ask,"Why do we even live here?"

Oh, but not this January. No, last month was like early Spring-without-the-flowers. It was a month of stepping outside the door, feeling the gentle air upon your face and exclaiming, "Man! I can't believe how warm it is!" 

Some people don't believe in global warming. I do.

But you know about cake don't you? You have it one day and then you want it the next day, also. And the next. Soon you start demanding cake. And next, you can't even imagine life without cake.

Well, this glorious January has been like that and everyone in my town has become terribly spoiled.

But this weekend? Piece of Cake Winter will finally be taken from our table, crumbs and all. This spring-in-winter party will be over and oh well. The party was lovely while it lasted and I thanked the Host many times for showing us such a good time.

The lake effect snows will swirl-in this weekend and it's up to me to not let them bury my gratitude for what we had. Awhile.

And now may I stay far away from complaining, reminding myself, this, too, shall pass.


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