Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Good News. The Bad News.

The good news? For 2 1/2 years I did not contract one single cold. That may be a personal record, due in part to taking 1,000 - 2,000 mg.'s of Vitamin C every single day of those lovely cold-free years.

The bad news? Last night I came down with a stupid, beyond annoying cold. Bleh. 

But the second my throat scratched a mega bit, I swallowed lots of Vitamin C which probably helped me have just a sore throat all one sleepless night and not two. But still, I've been one wilted, sleep-deprived, woe-is-me puppy all day. 

And I am so sick of hot lemon juice. Sick of it, do you hear?  ジ

But the other good news? We've had only a faint powdered sugar snow so far and I didn't need to drive anywhere today. And Tom is home. And I've been so quiet, so complacent, that even all the hours and hours of Super Bowl pre-game stuff has appeared quite interesting, maybe even delightful. (Not being a football fan, that may mean I'm a lot sicker than I thought. Perhaps even delirious?)

There's even more good news. This, too, shall pass. It shall.  (Right?)


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