Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Order of Seasons

I looked out our front sunroom windows on Friday afternoon at all the snow and thought, "Man, it looks like Christmas out there and it's not even Thanksgiving yet!"

To everything there is a season. It's a sad thing to skip a season. I used to do it all the time. I watch people skip seasons now, too. Or try to, anyway.

I used to want to be published before I even took the time to learn how to write.

I wanted to teach others before I, myself, had been taught.

I wanted to be thought of as being wise when I was 18, way before I had experienced life or grown in grace or learned anything even close to wisdom.

I was in a hurry to form deep friendships without waiting for them to grow.

I wanted to skip learning to like myself and go right to fame which I thought was a sign that others liked me.

I wanted to get appreciation from other people instead of getting it from God, foremost.

And on and on.

Skipping seasons. I've tried that--it's like trying to cheat, and we all know how God feels about that. But always I have found that eventually, I have to go back and pick up those missed seasons and live through them the right way, God's way, thus righting the mixed-up calendar life I, myself, created.

How much better and how much time is saved when I go step by step, season to season, in the order God planned all along.


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